Am i addicted?


OK, i like having cool extansion in my Firefox, but i really went crazy today....
I even installed extension that writes the list of all extensions i have....

All-in-One Gestures 0.12.4
BBCode 0.3.7
ColorZilla 0.8
Disable Targets For Downloads 0.8
EditCSS 0.3.0
Favorites Converter (export) 1.0.1
FirefoxView 0.31.1
Html Validator (based on Tidy) 0.5.1
ieview 0.84
Image Toolbar 0.5
Print It! 0.2.1
QuickNote 0.6
Web Developer 0.9.2
xMirror 0.1.1
Diggler 0.9
Habari Xenu 0.9.4
TripleSelect 1.2
DragToTab 0.1.2
OpenBook 1.2.0
x 0.6.3
Toolbar Enhancements 0.16.2
VerifyURL 0.3
Bookmarks LinkChecker 0.6.8
Allow Right-Click 0.1
Bookmark Backup 0.3.1
BugMeNot 0.6.1
Download Manager Tweak 0.6.3
ReloadEvery 0.5
CookieCuller 1.1.0
Slim Extension List 0.1
Magpie 3.1.2
Smiley Xtra 3.1
Autoclose Bookmark Folders 0.0.1
Checky 2.4
ForecastFox 0.5.9
Statusbar Clock 1.6.4
LoremIpsum Content Generator 0.4.1
mozCalc 2003.1013.0
Enhanced History Manager
Calculator 0.7
Compact Menu
Extension Catalog 0.9
Findbar Basics 1.01
DictionarySearch 0.7
FoxyTunes 1.1
SessionSaver 0.2.1
Web Panel Enhancer 0.1.6
Tweak Network 1.0
Tab X 0.5
cuneAform 0.3.1
Enhanced Bookmark Search
fireFTP 0.87
Adblock 'Buttons! Edition' 0.5.2+
BBCodeXtra 0.2
Configuration Mania 1.05.2004110501
DeviantLink 0.85
Ext2File 0.2.9
Extension Room Tool 20041205
EZNav 1.0.2
FoxyTunes Skin - Aqua Bubbles Orange 2.0
Open link in... 1.3
OpenNewWindowFromHere 0.1
SEOpen 0.2
SpiderZilla 1.06
SuperScroll 1.5.2
SwitchProxy Tool 1.3.1
Tipbar 0.9.0
Zoomy 1.2
Things They Left Out
Google Pagerank Status 0.9.3

do i have a problem or there are others with this kind of lists around?

and my FF is taking 36 MB of memory right now, with all this.....
linthat22 said:
I don't even know what all that crap is for :LOL:

I just use the basic Firefox that I installed.

acctually...some 50% are usefull totally....and some are on their "testing" time right now....

u can really enhance FF with extensions...