All MMO makers in BIG trouble! Patent infringement! *DUN DUN DUN!*

Guden Oden

Senior Member
According to this page, Atari has received a patent for cooperative multiplayer gaming with independent player entry and exit, and they got it all the way back in 94 too.


They never attempted to try and enforce it though, despite pretty much every FPS released since the original Quakeworld would appear to infringe as well, at least from a casual glance (I never bothered to read the actual patent text itself). Maybe they knew themselves it was a bogus patent from the start, who can say...
They'll never make it stick if anyone faces up to them in court. It's too obvious to go from single players connecting directly to another player, to players connecting to multiple players, especially when looking at the client-server model used for almost everything. There'd also be prior art - people were connecting to mainframes and playing MUDs with other people long before this.