Acid Nebula?

Thats what I would like to think? No related links?

It just seems so random and silly though.
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Rur0ni said:
Thats what I would like to think? No related links?

as i found it in MOVIES AND ENTERTAINMENT section.....

btw, you would be amazed what Google can, for instance, it can give you links to pages when you type in "acid nebula"....:oops:..miracles of modern technology

Oddly though, other sites have reported this "information" in genuine science sections.

Anyway, since it's complete nonsense (they're saying that it will reach Earth by 2014 and it's travelling at near the speed of light, which puts it currently at a distance of 9 light years away as a minimum. Amazing that the "scientists" can detect it destroying an asteroid at that distance; a fact only slighly more remarkable than them being able to simply detect an asteroid 9 light years away in the first place), it's obvious that it's bumf for a film release.
From reading that yahoo link, it sounds like all the people involved with making that movie was in a giant acid cloud when they made it (including the script writer(s)). If this thing isn't made by the dumbasses behind armageddon I'm going to move to mars. :LOL:
Guden Oden said:
From reading that yahoo link, it sounds like all the people involved with making that movie was in a giant acid cloud when they made it (including the script writer(s)). If this thing isn't made by the dumbasses behind armageddon I'm going to move to mars. :LOL:

can we hold you on that promise? :D...wait, there wont be Mars after 2014.... damn...
So what's causing the acid nebula to displace towards Earth?
Is the black hole moving along with it by any chance?
K.I.L.E.R said:
So what's causing the acid nebula to displace towards Earth?
Is the black hole moving along with it by any chance?

yes and apparently it will hit Oz make a hole in the earth and exit on the other side so you better move to New Zeland in the next 9 years:)
but i don't like sheep :(

Druga Runda said:
yes and apparently it will hit Oz make a hole in the earth and exit on the other side so you better move to New Zeland in the next 9 years:)