Accessing my/not mine folders in WinXP


Homo ergaster
Slight problem here folks. My WinXP install died this morning (corrupted system file) which resulted in me temporarily installing the OS onto another partition; I did this so I could grab my Outlook pst file before reformating etc etc. However, I'm having problems accessing my previous user accounts folder - any suggestions on how I can get into this?

I know that I should backup more often but it's such a drag...sniff...
If you've enabled encrypted're SOL.

If its simply a problem with permissions, having administrator priveledges should be enough.
The folder isn't encrypted (I learnt that lesson the hard way...) - it's just the user folder in Documents and Settings. Since the system has only ever had one user (ie. me) it'll be an admin one, which is also the same type of account I'm using to try and access it.
There's a tab somewhere that says 'enable simplified security model'. You need to UNCHECK that. Then when logged in as administrator, you can right-click a file, go to the 'security' tab, and take/set ownership. IIRC. (The machine I'm using right now is Windows 2000, which is slightly different - if it doesn't work, post here, and I'll try to write something from in front of an XP machine).

I ran into a similar problem a while back, but didn't know about the simplified security model, so I fixed it with cmd-prompt CACLS which I really don't recommend to anyone, I trashed half a harddrive's ACL's and only managed to get them kind-of repaired.

(There is a mantra to live by. I pass it on particularly to my friends and relatives that use digital cameras. It is: if it's not backed up onto a different disk/CD, it isn't important)
I'm using my WinXP Home lappy at work right now, so I can't check out your suggestions - I suspect the tab is in the local security policy editor. Thanks for the info Dio and I'll update this thread when I'm happy/ready to kill something.

Edit: Using the policy editor, I could take ownership of the folders and grab my Outlook pst file...yay! Big squeezy hug for Dio :D