5800: never existed

I saw a small post on nvnews, and it was interesting, so I thought I would follow up on it.

After searching nVidia's site for a few minutes, I've come to the following conclusion: The 5800 FX card never existed!

Here's a page outlining nVidia's Desktop solutions:


No reference there...

Then there's this guy...


Nice new FX page. They talk about some of the other FX products, but nothing about the 5800. They even have a handy little chart...but no 5800!

The only way I could find a link was through their search engine...but no direct link!

In conclusion, it would appear that, despite some of the previews/reviews from early 2003, the 5800 Ultra never actually existed :)
When you replace 5900 with 5800 in URL, you'll see that 5800 has greater bandwidth, by about 5 GB/s (with asterix - I think it means 'Derek Perez was here'). (;
I guess that's one way of putting an unsuccessful product behind you, deny it ever existed. Must make the handful of people who bought 5800s feel pretty bad though (and confused).
Ratchet said:
I guess that's one way of putting an unsuccessful product behind you, deny it ever existed. Must make the handful of people who bought 5800s feel pretty bad though (and confused).

On the other hand, if you take an "unopened" 5800 Ultra, stick it in the attic and forget about it...you just might have a valuable piece of property to sell on EBay in 2050. ;)
Ratchet said:
I guess that's one way of putting an unsuccessful product behind you, deny it ever existed. Must make the handful of people who bought 5800s feel pretty bad though (and confused).

Heh-Heh....I can't see how people who actually bought one of those dust-collecting, heat-trapping, slot-eating, clock-throttling monstrosities was ever anything but dazed and confused...;)
LoL next you will hear is that you never existed.... go to BFG technologirs and the 5800 specs are the same as the 5800 Ultra
The 5800 isn't even mentioned on their new nZone website. What's the next step? removing it from the .inf files on their drivers? o_O
Typedef: I noticed the same thing andhad to chuckle. Perhaps 'unsuccessful' was the wrong word used by Jen Hsun Huang.
Hell, if any one would offer me an FX 5800 Ultra with an even louder fan, I would take it, I'll just turn up the volume.