buzz! wrong. XGPU | NV2A shipped at a final 233MHz, not 250MHz. even IGN's much older articles on Xbox, at or around launch, acknowledge this.
buzz! wrong. Fudo is to codename for an ATI chip for PCs, the R520. right?
yeah, almost, but not exactly right. BlackBelt was not Dreamcast, only Dural and Katana were. The BlackBelt was a different machine, the one that lost and was not selected.
tisk, tisk, IGN. you're slipping.
In 2001, Microsoft madly rushed out its first console ever, Xbox. The commanding system, powered by a 733 MHz chip crafted by Intel, and a Microsoft and nVIDIA-powered 250MHz custom graphics chip named the XGPU
buzz! wrong. XGPU | NV2A shipped at a final 233MHz, not 250MHz. even IGN's much older articles on Xbox, at or around launch, acknowledge this.
GPU: Xenon's GPU, codenamed Fudo, is a generation beyond the ATI X800, and designed at ATI's Marlborough, Massachusetts office. Its clock speed is 500 MHz and it supports Shader 3.0. Developers are currently working with an alpha 2 GPU. Beta GPU units are expected by May and the final GPU is slated for a summer release. In game terms, the final GPU will be more powerful than anything on the market today. It's compatible with DirectX 9's PS and VS 3.0. It's also compatible with the next version of DirectX (DX10).
buzz! wrong. Fudo is to codename for an ATI chip for PCs, the R520. right?
and Sega's Katana, Dural, and Blackbelt (Dreamcast)
yeah, almost, but not exactly right. BlackBelt was not Dreamcast, only Dural and Katana were. The BlackBelt was a different machine, the one that lost and was not selected.
tisk, tisk, IGN. you're slipping.