15lb Burger Now Being Sold


My arteries! Ack!



Starting last weekend, a Pennsylvania restaurant put a 15-pound burger on its menu, claiming the largest burger available anywhere.

Dennis Liegey, the owner of Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in Clearfield, 120 northeast of Pittsburgh, said the "Beer Barrel Belly Buster" weighs in with 10 pounds of meat molded into a 20-inch patty on a specially baked, 17-inch bun.

The balance of the weight comes from 25 slices of cheese, a head of lettuce, three tomatoes, two onions, plus copious quantities of mayo, ketchup, relish, mustard, and peppers.

I feel like throwing up just thinking about that. :oops:
Any two people who can eat it within a three-hour sitting get it for free.

Hummm.. I believe that's inaccurate. I'll kill one of those alone in half an hour, even with a cold and delicious beer. ;) :!:
mito said:
Any two people who can eat it within a three-hour sitting get it for free.

Hummm.. I believe that's inaccurate. I'll kill one of those alone in half an hour, even with a cold and delicious beer. ;) :!:

You do that, and I'll PAY you $100. :LOL:
I am not accustomed to the UK/US weight system, so I had to take a time and do the, rough, maths... I found a result... I though I did a mistake...
I did check with a converter, and it gave the same result...

Almost 7Kg!!!

Damn, you eat this, and you're sure to die immediatly from a random biological malfunction.
Vysez said:
Damn, you eat this, and you're sure to die immediatly from a random biological malfunction.

LOL, don't underestimate the power of the gut of seriously overweight people! :D Two people sharing this thing won't be that difficult if they have the practice.

I sure like big burgers too by the way, the bigger the better generally, though I guess this is a bit over the top for me! However, split five or six-way amongst some very hungry people might be more reasonable... Still, must qualify as the weirdest burger ever - though the krispy kreme donut-bun burger might just beat it for that award! :p
Guden Oden said:
I sure like big burgers too by the way, the bigger the better generally, though I guess this is a bit over the top for me! However, split five or six-way amongst some very hungry people might be more reasonable...
You'll still have to eat it with forks and spoons, which'd kill the whole interest inherent in a sandwich.
Although, you might have a big friggin' mouth. That is a possibility one can't rule out. :LOL:

Guden Oden said:
though the krispy kreme donut-bun burger might just beat it for that award! :p
... :oops: *vomiting smiley*
15lbs of meat, eh, Natoma? Seems right up your street. :D

Ahahahahahah yeah that was a gay joke. Sorry, I just can't think of anything actually funny to say. 'Meat' to me, just equals cock. Sorry.
I might be able to down one of those if I was 5 feet taller and 200 pounds heavier. Even then it would be a chore.

How in the world can anyone eat this thing? 15 pounds is disgusting. Now imagine the double version of it!
3 hours ? I could most likely eat it in 3 hours sans cheese (as that much cheese would have me throwing up , not a milk person)

I did eat 8 pizza hut pizzas on a bet when i was 17 (though i was a hundred lbs less ) They paid for the pizzas , payed for the shore house and my food for the rest of the week. Good bet on my part , saved about 2 grand .
I don't think that would be a problem for three big guys to eat in a 3 hr period if they were really hungry. I can eat 4 or even 5 In/Out DDs all by myself in 3 hrs if I'm really hungry and I'm not a very big guy.
My friends and I are going to go and do this hopefully next weekend .

If we chicken out we might each try a 6lb burger to see how it goes . If we do go i will be sure to take pictures of us being stupid