They should have run it at a resolution that allowed them to hit somewhere even remotely close to their performance target.
1080p with AIDS ridden, aniso-less-full-screen-blurred, sub 30 fps "60 fps", tearing afflicted graphics is like proving to fuckwits what a man you are by cutting your own balls off.
Seriously, this is the worst generation ever. The 1080p cheerleaders have wrought destruction of console gaming through ignorance, hubris and wilful stupidity.
So basically, ps4 should be 900 with more restriction on tearing, and Xbox should be 792 (or something).
Yet more 1080p chasing madness.
Since function is under the impression that 1080p is ruining gaming... should 3rd party developers just opt-out the 1080p drama, and go for lower native resolutions regardless of system capabilities? While, internal and 1st party teams strive for the best possible native IQ.