Recent content by WOOFLE

  1. W

    Different core steppings and the changes

    "steppings" are usually minor revisions of the core to tweak certain aspects of the core taht aren't reaching the manufacturers expectations. Sometimes they are to fix actual bugs, but usually by the time they reach the general public this is not the case and that's a whole other story from the...
  2. W

    Pentium4 1.8GHz - Low end?

    Glad to see that others have made the same observations as me over in .au I also agree that as a vdieo card review and not a specific scaling analysis that if you do test on a slower system that unless you have the time and inclination to some huge compendium that the slower system should...
  3. W

    Pentium4 1.8GHz - Low end?

    There's quite a bit of difference between what's affordable now and what's actually out there. Not everyone upgrades at the same time or rate. There are plenty of people out there with what I would class low-end CPUs that do cyclic upgrades. ie: Buying a component approximately every 6 months or...
  4. W

    Pentium4 1.8GHz - Low end?

    I know quite a lot of gamers from a fairly diverse demographic. The way In terms of CPUs I'd break it down is something like this: <600MHz Worth a try and a laugh 600-1100MHz Low end 1100-1800(MHz or "quantispeed") Middle end 1800+ High end I think for a realistic region for where to...
  5. W

    Memory technology article at Ace's Hardware...

    I finally get around to posting this on the front page and then come here and find that it's been in the forum for a while already :D
  6. W

    New demo!

    Very nice work humus :) Demo was Vsynch locked @100fps and no issues on my ti200. I did have to do a quick double take when I knocked the mouse and the camera position changed, until I realised it was meant to. Haha that's what a dopey sunday will do to you :wink: