Recent content by Tron

  1. T

    Normal Mapping Wii demo

    I believe DRS is just automatically generating the normal maps from the diffuse textures at the moment. Those issues would be fixed with custom made normal maps, which have already been made for Quake textures and hence why we are pestering him to get in loading of external textures, lights etc. :D
  2. T

    Normal Mapping Wii demo

    Given that you have so much space for textures is it conceivable that high res texture packs could work with this?
  3. T

    Normal Mapping Wii demo

    I'm certainly interested to see how it turns out, but if you are going to try and implement the realtime shadows as well I think any automatic solution will always be inferior to lights that have been positioned by an artist taking into account overlap, shadow directions in relation to light...
  4. T

    Normal Mapping Wii demo

    You mentioned that you have seen the Dark Places stuff, do you think it would be hard to implement .rtlight support to cut down on light numbers and use the colored lighting information in them?
  5. T

    Normal Mapping Wii demo

    Have you seen DarkPlaces? It has solutions for some of these problems you are encountering. It allows the loading of external rtlight files that define the lights to be used in a level for realtime lighting purposes. The Dark Places...