Recent content by Tonyo

  1. T

    Is Carmack the only one still using OpenGL?

    NWN will use NV_register_combiners (GF1+) and/or NV_texture_shaders (GF3+) extensions if they are available to perform "advanced effects". That's what ATI users were complaining about, because ATI has an extension as capable as those two (for R200), but they weren't able to see those "advanced...
  2. T

    Is Carmack the only one still using OpenGL?

    If it was in DX8 you wouldn't be able to have advanced effects on GF<3 cards. Same with doom3, if it was written in DX8 you wouldn't be able to run it on GF<3 cards (with GF3 quality, that is).
  3. T

    UltraShadow only on NV35

    What "ultrashadow" gives you is just scissoring on depth. You can achieve the same and at a better discard rate (polygon level) using zfar-znear clipping. Even better, because "ultra shadow" is scissoring only on depth, if you use user clipplanes you can match exactly your desired bounding...
  4. T

    Specification of the NV35

    It's probably the marketing name of GL_NV_ depth_bounds_test OpenGL extension.
  5. T

    No one is using PS 1.4! See inside for details.

    Well, that's untrue, for starters, Wildcat VP hardware supports 16bit integer and fp32 buffers (the latter at 2 components per pixel, no blending), although they are not exported. For example, the Wildcat VP implementation of OpenGL 2.0 shaders operates all the time in fp32 but for the final...
  6. T

    No one is using PS 1.4! See inside for details.

    Wildcat VP supports ps1.2 (ps1.1 + blue/alpha swizzles + writeable texture registers, I think) and in OpenGL it supports 8 simultaneous textures with NV_register_combiner extension. I completely agree with you, then :)
  7. T

    No one is using PS 1.4! See inside for details.

    Sure "PS 1.4 merely provides the capability to render the same effects in much less passes", but you don't need ps1.4 functionality to run Doom3 in one pass and as result I'm reticent to qualify Doom3 as a game requiring ps1.4 functionality at all. An 8-texture-stage ps1.1 capable card can do...
  8. T

    No one is using PS 1.4! See inside for details.

    I think it's very misleading to say that Doom3 uses ps1.4 functionality when it actually doesn't use any of it and it even runs at the same visual quality on pre ps1.1 cards. As I understand it, ps1.4 functionality is the need for dependent texture lookups, as this is the only difference...
  9. T

    NV30 Integer / FP shader operations

    Actually, the range is [-2, 2), from OpenGL Extension Specification for CineFX and Anyway, you raise an interesting point, until now in graphics 255*a = a. With the new shaders, you actually have "holes" in your numeric range when you mix 0-255 ranges with your fixed point arithmetic (what...
  10. T

    NV30 Integer / FP shader operations

    I wasn't sure about the range issue, so I checked MSDN: So the [-8,8] range is only for texture registers, which means that...
  11. T

    NV30 Integer / FP shader operations

    I'm not very familiar with D3D (and I want to keep it that way for religious reasons :twisted: ). You can see a pixel shader as a program with a first segment of texture lookup instructions (generation of texture coordinates) and a second segment of texture application instructions (mixing...
  12. T

    NV30 Integer / FP shader operations

    The integer format from NV30 (called fx12) is a 12bit fixed point format (sign + 1bit integer + 10bit fraction). This is an extended version of the legacy mode supported by the register combiners (the register combiners used a 9bit S8 representation), so I guess it will be used most of the time...
  13. T

    My site is up again and with a new volumetric fogging demo

    Re: The demo doesn't get a retained-alpha pixelformat I saw that code, but I guess that's the code you use if you support WGL_ARB_pixel_format, which the Wildcat VP does not (it doesn't export WGL_ARB_extensions_string), so in the Wildcat VP case the demo is using a different pixelformat...
  14. T

    My site is up again and with a new volumetric fogging demo

    The demo doesn't get a retained-alpha pixelformat Humus, AFAIK the problem is that for some reason you don't get a pixelformat with retained alpha (i.e. with destination alpha). I tested your demo in a Wildcat VP and I had to force the driver to return a pixelformat with alpha in order to make...
  15. T

    Have Palettes become obsolete?

    GL_EXT_palette_texture I think that palettes will be used again a lot for normal map compression, where blocky compresion cannot be applied. OpenGL supports GL_EXT_palette_texture to use paletised textures. The biggest problem with palette textures is that if you use linear filtering, you...