Very clearly, if someone wants to present the case that Ubi's choice of themes is detrimental to their business, they need to present the data at this point. The argument has been dependent on rhetoric and reference to arbitrary voices as a representation of some form of consensus. Shadows is a...
As our only reference, Odyssey sold 10 million units. It depends what one counts as successful. Few games sell that many, so that would be a success in terms of sales, but maybe not in terms of recuperating a huge investment. Perhaps Ubi spent larger thinking a proportional return and will be...
Dropped from what? Shadows is presently the highest peak concurrent player count of any AC game on Steam, hitting 65k over the weekend.
No. However, if you are wanting to make a political or social point, you might be willing to sacrifice some sales for that. If that point loses you all the...
Yes, but you replied to his reply about HDR screens. The argument against HDR adoption should come from responding to a different point davis.anthony raised if you aren't continuing that specific line via arandomguy. ;)
Which I quoted above, only as the conclusion to the entire paragraph Iroboto wrote, instead of in isolation where you can misconstrue it.
That's what the entire post is about. This is a reading comprehension fault on your part. I suggest you learn and move on.
It absolutely was:
Maybe you misunderstood the point, but to the rest of us, it's obvious the perspective Iroboto was providing and what the argument should be about. This comment, the one that spawned this conversation, is clearly not saying anything about last-gen titles being able to support...
The statement was X1X could not run AC:Shadows, proving the value of modern rendering techniques and how those techniques are only enabled in modern hardware.
It was clearly about obtaining the same results as XSX. XSX can attain its performance in Shadows through use of modern techniques. More...