Recent content by RollingBalls

  1. R

    Is the Xbox360 more powerful than a Power Mac?

    You can learn more about the two here (G5) and here (Xenon).
  2. R

    Afrika - TGS 2007 trailer

    I think you're supposed to shoot the guys with the cameras.
  3. R

    The glacial pace of PS3 game releases

    It's mostly due to game delays and as a result September, October, and November will be very busy months.
  4. R

    36 PS3 games playable at TGS

    Why Persona 4 so soon? Is this just speculation because I would have figured a new Shin Megami Tensei game would come out before this.
  5. R

    Castlevania: Koji Igarashi Interview

    They need to bring Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles to the market place and store. I think they'd make far more money on this than a new 3d Castlevania.
  6. R

    Tekken 5 DR PS3 goes online.

    I'm on a wired connection and I think I spoke too soon. I was playing some dude from Italy and it was pausing all over the place. I think the best thing to do is to find friends from your own country and kick foreigners as mean as that sounds. That's the best way to lag free game play.
  7. R

    Tekken 5 DR PS3 goes online.

    I've had some disconnects while cueing up with people across the atlantic, but other than that lag is pretty much nonexistent. Voice chat is supported and you can set skill lvl to any or same as well as the number of people in the room. The rooms are set up like an arcade you watch your...
  8. R

    Are torrents supposed to make your internet slow?

    Cap your bittorrent upload speed or lower it. This should solve your problem.
  9. R

    Yerli on consoles ...

    The UT engine hasn't really captured the hearts minds of PS3 developers. For this reason I can see why id and crytek are making noise about PS3 development.
  10. R

    Cross Platform Play Confirmed Between PS3 and PC on UE3

    RIF "Word of warning, though, PC snobs, the PS3 version supports keyboard and mouse controls, too."
  11. R

    Glut of PS3 games in Q3/4?

    I've never heard of anyone not buying a good game because it's old.
  12. R

    New Heavenly Sword Info (screens included)

    I like the Ikaruga and PowerStone elements, but Ninja Theory needs to mix up the color attacks a whole lot more to make this game fun and challenging. Try mixing up colors 33/33/33% instead of 95/4/1% like it was in the demo.
  13. R

    Official White Knight Story (level 5 RPG) thread Here's a new CG trailer.
  14. R

    No More 60GB PS3 in the US after July?

    How much would a stripped down model like the 20GB minus EE be? It seems like that's the direction they should be going instead of incrementally increasing hard drive size with pack-ins. They completely ruined any headway they made at E3 with this announcement.
  15. R

    What are your must buy games for Winter?

    Only got a PS3 right now. Ratchet and Clank is definite, MGS4 Import if it has English subtitles otherwise that's next year, UT2k7 if it has USB mouse and keyboard support as well as support for PC maps and mods as rumored. Lots of other great looking games that will hopefully play as good as...