Recent content by mozmo

  1. M

    ROP/Bandwidth Consumption & Low-Level GCN Optimizations ala Humus GDC 2014

    Aren't these numbers a little misleading since they omit zbuffer writes/reads, there is Min 3 bytes per pixel there.
  2. M

    Xbox One (Durango) Technical hardware investigation

    looking at the pic there are 16 memory chips on top, which probably equates to 8GB. 512mb x 16. Now DDR3 isn't point to point, so it's entirely possible they have pads on the bottom to add more ram, that's one advantage of DDR3 it easier to add more ram on the same channel.
  3. M

    PlayStation 4 (codename Orbis) technical hardware investigation (news and rumours)

    I still fail to see how GPGPU is going to work with the coherent system memory. It looks like any GPU access to cached system pages needs to go through the onion bus, that's only 10GB/s. I don't see how you'll be able to run jobs on GPGPU and share cpu data structures at the same time without...
  4. M

    How does PS4/XB1/AMD HSA RAM access actually work?

    The above paper is the same, you allocate memory and determine at allocation whether it's system or local. There are page locking symantics so yeah it's probably a flag in the page table and done on a page basis. The difference seems to be with how the memory is laid out in each page. For...
  5. M

    How does PS4/XB1/AMD HSA RAM access actually work?

    This amd fusion presentation explains it really well. Basically there appears to be 3 different types of memory accesses, local, uncached and cached. Each has limitations or boosts in performance depending on whether the cpu or...
  6. M

    Beyond3D's GT200 GPU and Architecture Analysis

    $650 video cards do nothing to improve pc gaming a whole, the numbers aren't by any means amazing, decent but for the money decent isn't what I'd expect. I don't think the brute force approach worked well for nvidia this time around.
  7. M

    AMD: R7xx Speculation The vr-zone link CJ mentioned.
  8. M

    The G92 Architecture Rumours & Speculation Thread

    Nvidia would be stupid not to release a high end part near the launch of Crysis. There will be tonnes of guys itching for a new card to power that beast of a game, I know personally I'm ready to drop some cash on a new high end card that will power that game with all the bells and whistles...
  9. M

    Why do GT games look so freakin good?

    I don't know why people bring 60fps into it, All of the impressive screens and footage is either from the photomode or replays, which are 30fps. 60fps comes at a cost and it's pretty evident that detail in the lighting/reflections/effects is being downgraded to get 60fps in game.
  10. M

    Breaking: Silicon Knights Files Lawsuit Against Epic

    Bioshock is an unreal 2.XX based game, so to say it looks like the bumpy/glow look of UE3 is totally off. I'd say with most custom 2.xx based unreal engine games, a lot of the shading effects/hdr lighting effects would most probably be a custom developed addition by the developers of said title.
  11. M

    Breaking: Silicon Knights Files Lawsuit Against Epic

    Very interesting, so it appears the only retail shipped true UE3 based game is gears of war and lots of other developers are struggling to get it running well. I remember the recent blacksite demo which is UE3 ran quite poor. So looks like there are real issues for licensees trying to deliver...
  12. M

    Fight Night PS3 Screens

    Yes depth of field effect and full 3d crowd were lost in the port over. I'm pretty sure the game lacks the 4xAA used in the 360 version. Also motion blur on fighters has gone, which is kinda a bad loss, it helped smooth the animation and made the game feel faster than 30fps, the animation looks...
  13. M

    Fight Night PS3 Screens

    The crowd in the 360 version is all 3D, I think you're confusing it with the depth of field effect on the background which appears to have gone missing too in the ps3 version.
  14. M

    PS3 and Automatic Scaling.

    Aren't there issues with SPE's being able to read direct from vram, I remember reading about how spe's are crippled in read speed from vram? So I'm assuming to do this in software you'd need to copy the framebuffer from vram into the cell memory pool first, upscale with a spe and output the...
  15. M

    Can the Xbox 360 really output 1080p??

    DOA4 was confirmed to run at 1080i native a long time ago. Playing it now with the new 1080p update it appears the game is using a full frame 1920x1080 buffer for it's 1080i/p mode. Seems to be using 2xAA as well, 720p uses 4xAA. DOA4 uses tiling so effectively 1080p@2xAA is roughly equal to...