Recent content by Magnus

  1. M

    Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion Archive [2013]

    Direct feed shots are more indicative on edges and lighting.
  2. M

    Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion Archive [2013]
  3. M

    Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion Archive [2013]

    Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed analysis:
  4. M

    "Yes, but how many polygons?" An artist blog entry with interesting numbers

    Any numbers on Halo 4? Thomas Lasky?
  5. M

    Last of Us [PS4]

    It's probably a cutscene. I'm sceptical about it and open environments in this game in general.
  6. M

    Halo 4 engine downgrades

    Halo 4 Technology Interview:
  7. M

    Halo 4 engine downgrades

    That's the point. Developers have more control over their engine in games like killzone and more freedom to step up the graphics. From IGN preview:
  8. M

    Halo 4 engine downgrades

    - polycount - animations - AA filter - shadow - lighting (is really special imo)
  9. M

    Was Cell any good? *spawn

    Killzone 2 = 1280x720 (QAA) Heavenly Sword = 1280x720 (4xAA) :wink:
  10. M

    Predict: The Next Generation Console Tech

    sure? Most sources report a more realistic number for rsx: The following are relevant facts about the RSX... - Little Endian - 8 vertex shaders at 500Mhz - 28 pixel shaders (4 redundant, 24 active) at 550Mhz - 28 texture units (4...
  11. M

    The Framerate Analysis Thread part 2

    Ridge Racer Unbounded Demo analysis: 360 Avg:29.844fps Min-Max:26.5-30.0fps Tear:6.764%(6.693%) PS3 Avg:29.613fps Min-Max:26.0-30.0fps Tear:17.030%(16.440%)
  12. M

    Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion Archive [2012]

    are you sure about that? imo it's only less blurry
  13. M

    Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion Archive [2012]

    Digital Foundry vs. Starhawk