Recent content by fabianoag

  1. F

    english language quickie

    Most European English speakers pronounce is a "rooter", but most of my American friends pronounce it "rowt-err".
  2. F

    Pirate Bay raided and gone.

    I just moved to Sweden 6 months ago, its a bit cold but besides that, it rocks!
  3. F

    Aussie blunder at US conference

    Hahahahaha, priceless! :lol:
  4. F

    Freedom of speech

    That's a tricky question - I mean on one side, its a public forum but on the other hand, its the property of a private person...
  5. F


    I see what you mean, your already replying to your own threads just so it feels like there's a friend you can talk to... :!:
  6. F

    Counterfeit Mini Coopers

    First off, hey everyone! its pretty wierd u know... ive been reading these forums for over 2 1/2 years now but i only registered just now... anyways, the reason i registered: - funniest site ive seen in a while!