Recent content by Cyan

  1. Cyan

    Terminator 2D: No Fate (Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo, PC)

    Terminator Dark Fate Defiance is on sale on Steam. Steam trailer:
  2. Cyan

    240Hz, 360Hz+ (480-540-750-1000Hz) displays. Motion clarity

    New LED displays packing 90nm 'virus-sized' pixels can deliver 127,000 PPI visuals
  3. Cyan

    240Hz, 360Hz+ (480-540-750-1000Hz) displays. Motion clarity

    could depend on the screen. Dunno how Hardware Unboxed makes the tests, or on which hardware, but in this video from some time ago, they got these images. more in this post.
  4. Cyan

    240Hz, 360Hz+ (480-540-750-1000Hz) displays. Motion clarity

    it could simply be a thing of resolution too. The UFO test on my 1080p 24,5" monitor looks really good and crisp. For instance, at 1080p, at 360fps, the blur of an object is 3 pixels, which isn't much. The UFO has a single black pixel in the eyes, which is going to blur like 3 pixels, not bad...
  5. Cyan

    Steam, Origin, Epic, Twitch, Good*, *Games Sales [2022]

    Steam Week-long Deals! 20 Amazing games! 0:00 Cataclismo 1:20 Tunguska: The Visitation 2:17 Stolen Realm 2:56 Rain World 3:56 The Pale Beyond 4:44 Espresso Tycoon 5:50 Trepang2 - Banger Edition 6:40 In Other Waters 7:31 Besiege 8:08 Paradise Killer 8:51 Murky Divers 9:45 Time Warpers 10:20...
  6. Cyan

    NVIDIA discussion [2025]

    things are changing. Intel is starting to lean towards ARM, and AMD announced the other day that they are going to get into the ARM like race.
  7. Cyan


    Linux Kernel 6.14 | The FASTEST for Gaming!
  8. Cyan


    curious fact, Intel is the highest contributor of the world to the kernel of Linux. 13% of the Linux kernel code is made by Intel.
  9. Cyan

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    Microsoft is moving toward an OEM model, in which it shares store profits with manufacturers, and that's why hybrid consoles will be cheaper because they'll be subsidized by the royalties they'll generate for the manufacturer. And we're going to see VERY HIGH-END consoles subsidized, with the...
  10. Cyan

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    btw, people aren't talking enough about the fact that native XBox games will be able to run on PCs. There's talk of updating the Windows API to provide native support so that XBox games will run on any PC. This is great for those who have libraries from years ago. The only thing preventing it...
  11. Cyan

    Terminator 2D: No Fate (Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo, PC)

    dunno how good this game is going to be, but the best Terminator game I've played to date is Terminator: Resistance. A good game.
  12. Cyan

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    this move by Google, adding many more Android games to Google Play Games to play on PC, could even favour a portable hybrid Xbox even more. With Microsoft's upcoming foray into the Windows-based handheld console sector, Google Play Games support could expand even further in the future. I mean...
  13. Cyan

    Google Play Games expands PC support: more Android games now available.

    These changes position Google in the PC gaming market, competing with platforms like Steam and the Epic Games Store. Furthermore, with Microsoft's upcoming foray into the Windows-based handheld console sector, Google Play Games support could expand even further in the future. This is the...
  14. Cyan


    it's the most used OS in the world, without people even noticing.
  15. Cyan

    Google Play Games expands PC support: more Android games now available.

    During the recent Game Developers Conference, Google announced a major update to its Google Play Games platform on PC. With this new expansion, a large number of Android games will be available by default to play on Windows, without the need for additional software. Until now, users could only...