Recent content by cullenskink

  1. C

    Gamefest 2008 console edition

    Load hit store is of course avoidable in hardware. Remember the PowerPC core on 360 and PS3 is a cut-down version of the full architecture. So you get no instruction re-ordering - which is one method an out-of-order processor uses to dodge or reduce LHS, by moving the instructions causing LHS...
  2. C

    Gamefest 2008 console edition

    > how do they get that games usually use 0.2 instruction per cycle? Its not that games use 0.2 IPC, it's that *typically* in game titles running on the in-order processor on Xbox360 achieve that rate. Forget the notion that people are 'wasting' 1.8 IPC or something. The absolute max is...
  3. C

    [Retro] Playstation pushed to the limit

    T-Rex demo I didn't write the T-Rex demo itself, but at Sony I wrote the demo disc that the T-Rex demo is running inside in this movie. I had the source for the T-Rex demo and the assets... (and the manta ray, and various other Sony tech demos). That set of demos were around in 94 pre-Japanese...