Will an Athlon xp1700 do 400fsb?


I got 400mhz ddr ram, and an xp2600. But at fsb 266, it runs 1.71ghz, so unless I can change the multiplier (which i don't know how to do-not in the bios), it would run at 2.5ghz.
I was thinking to swap with my buddy's xp1700. Will it run at 400fsb, for 2.2ghz?
What kind of mobo do you have ?

The 1700+ might not do 200fsb either . Remeber its really 200fsb. Its dual pumped to become 400fsb . Your 266fsb right now is really only 133fsb.

I would invest the 50$ for a cheap nforce 2 board if you want to get to a 200fsb . That way you can lower the multiplyer of your 2600xp till you can run it at a 200fsb stable
My mobo can do 200fsb no prob. I was just wondering whether the xp1700 could handle it. Currently I run the xp2600 at 2.21ghz, with different and slower timing for the ram. Running the xp2600 at 2.4ghz makes it too hot, so 2.5 (what it would be clocked at if I ran the fsb at 200) would be way too hot.
I've got 2 1700+'s that do 200fsb on cheap Shuttle Nforce2 MB's, one at 11X200, the other at 10x200. BUT, you need CPUs that are unlocked....many arn't.
I know this aint gonna improve performance - but your xp2600+ should run about 2.13ghz by default on a 166mhz/333fsb. Maybe you need to start it there on the 166fsb before you begin overclocking. You will need to lower the multiplier a couple to run a 200/400mhz fsb - which cannot happen on kt400s and lower motherboards without running the rest way out of spec. :(

As your motherboard can run the 200/400fsb - is your chip unlocked - most early bartons (512kb L2 cache) were??? Do you have dip-switch options on your motherboards to enable different multipliers???

What motherboard chipset to you have?? What brand & model number is it????
Is it a 2600 Mobile or a 2600+ Tbred? If its a moble then the muti is unlocked but need a mobo that can change muti. If you can change muti then 400FSB is a go.
I need to know what mobo you have to be able to help out more.

PS I have a 1700+ that will go to 470FSB but I have to lower the muti.
I have a pc chips m848 alu. That's an sis 748 chipset.
The multiplier option is greyed out in the bios, but I doubt the mobo has any multiplier options otherwise.
The processor is a tbird.