When is Microsoft going to get rid of that stupid excuse..


Retarded moron
of a programming language VB?

That is the most annoying language ever.

That is the most bloated POS I have ever worked with. I want VB to disappear off the face of this universe.

WTF is wrong with people who use VB?
Re: When is Microsoft going to get rid of that stupid excuse

K.I.L.E.R said:
of a programming language VB?

That is the most annoying language ever.

That is the most bloated POS I have ever worked with. I want VB to disappear off the face of this universe.

WTF is wrong with people who use VB?

WTF is wrong with you. I like vb .
I'd rather code in ASM than even look at VB.

Why do you use VB? Why not Java, C++ or even C#?
Creating business apps under C# is way quicker and easier than they are for VB.

Personally I can't understand why anyone would want to use VB given that C# has the same RAD capabilities under #D and VS.NET.
VB is (or atleast was, I'm not sure about VB.net) a really fast language to develope Windows-applications. It may not be that safe but speed is the factor many consider the most important.

Though my personal preference is C#.
I think people use VB because it is quick and relatively painless to develop programs and their GUIs with, I've seen rather advanced VB programs made by game fans, such as the Total Annihilation Unit Manager for example.

I don't know if that would have happened if VB had not existed. I've used VB *a little* myself, though it was around 4 years ago, and it was fairly straight-forward for what I did with it, except for file I/O, which sucked. You had to do everything manually, almost felt like basic on the C64. ;)
In Visual Studio .NET making GUI apps under C# is much easier than under VB.

Simply because under C# GUI editor in VS.NET it's the same as the VB editor with one exception, you have access to a small lightning button which has every single event on the form and all you have to do is select the event you want and hit enter and it makes it for you.

If you're coding in VB.NET then you don't get that button.

On top of that the syntax of C# is far easier to understand than VB's syntax. Hell, I've been doing VB for 2 years and I still don't know how to make a for loop under VB (literally). :LOL:

Under Java and C# and even C++ I have NO troubles with any syntax, it comes naturally and they are all pretty similar among the 3 languages.
I agree, I don't understand why people still learn VB... it's their choice, but.... what happens when microsoft goes bankrupt :D? Then you still have to learn a "real" language....
Microsoft caved in I think ... .NET wouldn't be near as popular if they made C# the only .NET language. Most VB (5|6) shops would have told Microsoft to screw off ( I know the company I worked for would have).

K.I.L.E.R said:
Simply because under C# GUI editor in VS.NET it's the same as the VB editor with one exception, you have access to a small lightning button which has every single event on the form and all you have to do is select the event you want and hit enter and it makes it for you.

If you're coding in VB.NET then you don't get that button
No, but keeping with the VB6 theme you get a drop down list will all of the events from the code window. Pick the control from the "Class Name" box (left side), pick the event from the Method list (right side), and it inserts/goes to the code for you. Works in just about every case. Plus you can still click on buttons and such and have it insert events for you automatically.

I don't see how its any harder, just inconsistent.

VB.NET can be pretty bad though and we can pretty much blaim it on MS for trying making the transition from VB to VB.NET easier. There are so many stupid things they did in VB.NET that only encouraged bad programming habits. Things like "Option strict" should have been forced on by default as not declaring variable types is my ULTIMATE pet peeve, Everything "As Object" is teh evil!. Auto type conversion (Like string to int, int to date) is an accident waiting to happen (and it has where I work). Things like For loops are very restrictive. You can't comment functions using the built in .NET commenting functionality (which means you cannot describe your parameters !). Only allowing one case of variables (Auto corrects variable names) is extremely dangerous. Had one guy name a class constant the same name as a local variable... Guess which one it uses...teh global... BOOM!

Auto formatting is nice though.

VB.NET is still a hell of a lot better than the ridiculous hack Microsoft calls Managed C++.

C# is pretty much perfect ... Especially once we get templates. I use it whenever I can.

VB will die within 30 years... About the time it takes to break old programmers habbits and retire :D
I'd rather code in ASM than VB, it's just a horrible and difficult language to deal with.

No, but keeping with the VB6 theme you get a drop down list will all of the events from the code window. Pick the control from the "Class Name" box (left side), pick the event from the Method list (right side), and it inserts/goes to the code for you. Works in just about every case. Plus you can still click on buttons and such and have it insert events for you automatically.

You can do this in C# as well.

I hope it takes less than 30 years to die off.
K.I.L.E.R said:
You can do this in C# as well.

Nope, not unless I am missing a pretty obvious setting. The boxes are there but they do not work the same. In C# they are proper Class/Method boxes. You cannot add any events from the two boxes, only lookup existing ones. In VB.NET the left has Class and control information, the right has methods all possible events (not just those handled) . That is the only place you can add events.

Perhaps we are talking about different dropdown lists.

Edit: its not methods on the left :S edits in itals
Entz said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
You can do this in C# as well.

Nope, not unless I am missing a pretty obvious setting. The boxes are there but they do not work the same. In C# they are proper Class/Method boxes. You cannot add any events from the two boxes, only lookup existing ones. In VB.NET the left has Class and control information, the right has methods all possible events (not just those handled) . That is the only place you can add events.

Perhaps we are talking about different dropdown lists.

Edit: its not methods on the left :S edits in itals

C# lightning button does that too. Although it isn't a drop down box.
I prefer the lightning button.
The only thing worse than VB is VBScript. Believe me, when you've had to write ASP pages in VBScript, you know the meaning of hell...

One thing that drives me insane is the fact that if you do a multiple AND evaluation it never drops out even when one of the statements is false. How dumb is that?
If x = 5 AND y = 10 AND z = 20 Then
End If
Even if x <> 5 it will still evaluate the y and z conditions.

Oh, and why is there no ++ operator? And why no proper types? Casting is a joke.
Personaly i do everything in assembly . Takes along ass time . So please everyone just buy an x800 xt , athlon 3000+ and well basicly my system. SO when i finaly release my game you guys can all play it :)
I hate VB personally but I'm not gonna bag it here. Though the major advanteage of VB was A) it had great MS support B) the developement tools for it. Another good now pretty well dead in my opinon was delphi its like pascal for windows. The new .net and .net 2003 have much better tools for developing gui's in C# which I have to say is one major benefit over java though I believe gui components are patented in C# so you can't use them on linux.
I took a Visual Basic 5 programming course (with praticle programming exams) at my college a few years ago.

It was really very well done (the leacture programmed in many languages) and he tought good-practise programming concepts at the same time as VB skills.

I've used over the last 5 years :

Visual Basic 5 and 6.

VBScript (Windows Scriping Host) to perform workstation administration tasks across hundreds of machines in an enterprise.

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications - the programming language within Microsoft Office).

ASP Classic (VB script again) - IIS 5.0 Web based projects.

The most anoying thing is santax and class differences between them.

I believe that now ASP.NET and VB.NET are consistant now.

Usesing MS products and supporting existing "all VB-Style" applications really requires you to know them all ;)
jvd, kiler:
You guys need to find work that requires you to program in assembly language, preferably something really archaic like 65XXX/68K (no x86/MIPS/ARM/PPC here). Then you can talk about how wonderful asm is. :devilish:

Why would MS drop support for VB? I hate it like the plague as well, the syntax tries really hard to be "naturally readable" but it only ends up brutally unclear to those who actually started programming on a more "traditional language." But the hard fact is that many institutions (at least here) rely on VB applications, some exclusively. To throw away all of those plus all of the accumulated experience of VB programmers is not something Microsoft would do - at least not now.

Not shortcircuiting compound logical evaluators is annoying, I agree, but you can do this instead.
If x = 5 Then
 If y = 10 Then
  If z = 20 Then
  End If
 End If
End If
It's less elegant but it does do the job.