Forgive any errors, this is pretty long.
DemoCoder said:
Demalion, you are the one asserting a claim, you are are the one who has to provide the burden of proof.
That is a pretty common conversational tactic for you to use without giving any reasoning to support it. As for the reasons you do are saying you arenot making any claims? I must have misread your posts.
I can't even find the questions you are talking about, but in any case, you haven't answer my questions either.
Well, they were pretty easy to find the last 2 or 3 times I mentioned them and referred to them as my first post in the original thread to you. Strangely enough, they are
still the first post in that thread to you. Here, let me
provide a link again. To move this along, let me emphasize that quoting that post directly including the context of your replies that I am responding to when I pose the questions is what I am proposing will allow us to move forward, not taking the questions out of the text and performing a tap dance number.
I'll point out such things as a modular filesystem (well, modular everything really)
You mean like on how every other OS you can mount multiple file filesystems?
You're right, you can do this on NT, 2K, and XP. The same functionality was available on the Amiga OS since its release in 1985.
Back to BeOS, the x86 version was first released around 1997 I believe. Shall we compare the BeOS system requirements to those of NT and Windows 95 and discuss your assertion that BeOS did not offer quality to the consumer?
For example, I have a PGP filesystem on my box today. Or do you mean like the Object File System coming up in Windows where the entire filesystem stores metadata in a database and can be queried like a database with a unified interface?
Let me try to simplify the role of the passage of time in our discussion. The features and capabilities of Windows XP are
not new. They
are new with regards to Windows. The time disparity between when they were introduced on Windows and when they existed elsewhere is the result of Microsoft not having to compete on quality with OSes due to having solid control of the software side of PC evolution. If they
had had competition, the features available today in XP/2k would have been needed to be introduced earlier. Stated another way, the features yet to be made available (or "coming up" as you put it) at the time it was competing with other OSes I mention (in this case, BeOS) would have resulted in it "losing" on the criteria of quality.
That is pretty simple, direct, and I've stated it in in prior replies to you in this discussion. Is there still some confusion? I can state it again I guess.
true SMP before it was anything but a joke on Windows NT (I presume XP is more extensively multi-threaded nowadays?)
SMP != Multithreading.
No kidding?
Multi-threaded OS design allows SMP to be utilized more efficiently. Are we going to dispute this? If not, why did you bother to make that comment? Are you saying 2k and XP are not any more multi-threaded on the OS level than earlier Windows NT versions?
If BeOS is so good at SMP, why aren't they selling BeOS servers to all those companies running Solaris for its SMP and NUMA support?
I don't know, I wasn't comparing BeOS to Solaris, but to Windows. This seems pretty obvious and clear.
How many endusers have 2-way SMP boxes?
Some subset of end users using OSes that offer improved performance on SMP configurations. That question is about as useful to this discussion as "How many endusers don't run Windows?".
, inter-process scripting tools as an OS standard (see my Amiga example), similar functionality as the Amiga datatype system (see my other Amiga example below).
#1 Windows has scripting tools as standard, it's called the Windows Scripting Host. Moreover, Windows can run ANY scripting language through this interface, including JScript, VBScript, PythonScript, PerlScript, TCL, or any you choose. This is far beyond ARexx.
You are right, it is. The problem just seems to be that no applications offer the functionality I was used to.
#2 Not all Amiga apps understood ARexx commands nor did the builtin Amiga shell until later versions.
Yes, and that (WShell style integration without buying WShell) occured about 1990.
Which demonstrates yet another way in which not having to compete on the OS front slowed the introduction of features for Windows. But you are right, I was incorrect in my belief that Windows
still did not offer such functionality.
ARexx was in fact, most capable when you used WShell from a third party.
Yes, and I'm not familiar with how you can do the same under Windows, which perhaps explains why I didn't know about the range of functionality offered by WSH. Is there some WShell functionality available to me? Perhaps it is in 2k or XP?
The level of ARexx support in AmigaDOS was less functional than the capabilities you can achieve today with WSH and COM components.
I didn't even realize the functionality was there, so I'll take your word for it. Perhaps you can point me at some more info on it.
There is far more scriptability in Windows. Windows development methodology encourages applications to be broken into reusable components, which encourages scriptability.
Well, any object oriented methodology does that.
#3 The datatype system is no different than the system today in windows for invoking viewers for mime types. Windows can map each and every MimeType to an multiple associated viewing components (not just one). Because the browser is integrated into the shell, Windows can view any datatype for which a registered viewer is installed.
You seem to have missed the point. It sounds like you are talking about launching (i.e., the "Open With..." requester...if not, please clarify). I'm talking about all the functionality I listed, including web browsers automatically supporting a new image format for inline viewing by installing a new datatype. I know video codecs work exactly this way, but I'm talking about any and all data types.
Here is an of what I took for granted when my main OS for my uses at the time offered me more functionality than Windows still does.
Arexx: example deleted
Things that resulted from this functionality were similar to things such as you can use Visual Basic for in Office applications, except of course any application could use it extremely easily.
Windows scripting can script almost any application or COM component which exposes an interface for it. It is far more ubiquitous than ARexx was.
Yes, it is functionally equivalent to ARexx but offers more versatility, and I'm only mystified that I don't see applications offering it and have been frustrated in accomplishing the same things in applications that I was used to doing on the Amiga.
You're talking to a Rexx lover. I wrote a complete BBS in Arexx for my VT100 terminal, and used my terminal to drive all sorts of informations scraping apps. But Arexx is not an Amiga unique innovation. I coded on the Amiga for several years.
Of course it wasn't, Rexx was well established before being ported to the Amiga. It is my only extensive personal experience with such functionality on a personal computer, however.
Datatypes: on the Amiga, viewing functionality was redundant. A datatype could be written and any program that wanted to view that image type would use it. Functionality that could be exposed included loading, saving, and editing (and playing and viewing, etc).
Datatypes weren't introduced until after AmigaDOS 2.0 and most Amiga users never saw them before Win95.
Was Win 95 released in 1992, which is when Amiga OS 3.0 was released? There were datatypes within months (not to mention the ones it shipped with).
You may as well start talking about other obscure Amiga APIs like the Commodities.library.
"obscure"? Why'd you bring the commodities library up? Is it because you couldn't dismiss datatypes as "obscure" without a decoy? You wouldn't be trying to belittle elements of OS functionality that might not reflect favorably to what Windows did at the time, would you?
By the time datatypes existed, I was already using MIME enabled viewer registries on Unix email clients.
We were talking about Windows functionality as impacted by lack of competition, were we not? Why did you bring up Unix? You seem to hop all over the place when you don't have a coherent point.
Why not talk about AmigaDOS's short comings?
Strange how the discussion is shifting from what Windows lacks to what Amiga OS lacked in its time. I guess I made the assertion that Amiga OS was not lacking in quality in comparison to other OSes. Hmm..wait, no I did not. I thought I was actually addressing your assertion that Windows was not lacking in quality in comparison to other OSes.
Archaic BPTR based DOS API.
Much worse than MS-DOS and Win 9x with long/short file name, right?
No resource tracking (hey, don't forget to call CloseLibrary!) .
No memory protection (Guru Meditation anyone?)
How about I respond in kind with "BSOD, anyone"?
No device independent graphics (hardwired to Amiga hardware so tightly that even Commodore couldn't replace the Amiga HW chipset without breaking 90% of apps)
That's what you get for a 1985 OS. However, due to its object oriented nature, OS 2.0 (1990) on had abstraction sufficient to allow any application that depended on GUI calls to work with graphics cards. OS 3.0 (1992) furthered the integration of these features. But as we're just wasting time and not discussing how Windows has been impacted by lack of competition, I suppose it doesn't matter.
Preemptive multitasking *BROKEN* until DOS2.0 (obscure bug in exec.library)
You mean I wasn't using pre-emptive multi-tasking before Amiga OS 2.0? What was I doing, the cooperative multi-tasking of Windows 3.x?
How does that big "*BROKEN*" go with an "obscure bug"?
Layers.library used an N^3 algorithm naive algorithm for computing damage rectangles which slowed down any screen with more than a few open windows.
When was this, and how "fast" was Windows on a similar CPU speed at the time?
And worst of all, the Amiga's OFS filesystem was possibly the slowest and worst filesystem ever written! Yes, it was replaced by FFS later, but it still needed special hacks like DirCache in AmigaDOS3.1 to make it work fast.
FFS was in Amiga OS 1.3, 1988. Why were you using OFS on AmigaDOS 3.1?
No, my question isn't like asking that at all. If you could choose OSes as readily as you could choose burgers, Microsoft would not be a monopoly.
Tell me why you cannot choose your OS? No one is stopping you from downloading/buying BeOS and running it, just like they aren't stopping you from running Linux.
The commodity an OS offers is applications, i.e., usage. Microsoft monopolizes this commodity. Not because its medium (Windows) or content (pick another Microsoft product) is of sufficiently higher quality when it achieve pre-eminence, but because they effect a stranglehold on the viability of any competition to either by having direct control of both.
An example related to this: In your way of looking at things, Microsoft's development environment is good now, so you don't remember when it performed dismally compared to the competition, and don't recall that the difficulty for these competitors was not superior code generation, but having to reverse engineer API behavior and interactions to compete on the Windows platform (which is why full API specification or source code disclosure would have been so helpful at the time). So, Microsoft competed on compatibility with the
other code they wrote, i.e. control, (I wonder how they managed to win on that?) and not on quality of the compiler (Yes, I remember comparisons of compile times, code size, and code speed that showed this, are you going to say you do not?).
Does Microsoft put you in jail or shoot you if you try to run another OS? No.
Not yet. We'll see how Palladium pans out.
So stop saying you don't have a choice. And you can avoid paying for Windows, there are vendors who ship OS-less boxes.
With full API diclosure or source code disclosure 5 years ago, Linux with WINE, or maybe BeOS with a Windows abstraction layer would indeed be competing with Windows right now, instead of having spent the time trying to reverse engineer behavior. And faced with such competition, Windows would be further along than it is or I'd be using something else. Which is why I said the Antitrust ruling would have been helpful a few years ago. If Palladium and the DMCA weren't worrying me, I'd have a bit more hope it could still be helpful 5 years from now.
Is some aspect of my statement unclear?
So can you tell me why I should choose BeOS over others?
I see, so when you said BeOS's elegance didn't matter you didn't mean it was more elegant and other factors caused it to fail, but that elegance itself does not matter? I did say earlier if you don't think quality matters, we shouldn't bother to have this discussion.
Quality != Elegance. You can have an elegant architecture, that is horrifically buggy.
Are we talking about an elegant architecture that is horrifically buggy? No? So how does that possibility support that in what we
are discussing, Quality is not related to Elegance?
Secondly, why should my mother who just wants to send email, or my office worker, who just needs to write documents, choose BeOS over any other OS?
Well, if we're living in a hypothetical world were computer usage can be restricted as you state:
If that's all your mother
ever intends to do then she shouldn't even bother with Windows. A Linux distrubution can be installed to offer her that for less right now (there are PCs sold like this for such people as a matter of fact, which is why PC makers no longer being penalized by Microsoft for offering other OSes is a good thing...did that happen before BeOS gave up the ghost, by the way?).
If that's all the office worker
ever intends to do (write documents), then they would be better served by a cheaper computer with less memory and a slower CPU running BeOS.
Less wasted cycles and RAM by greater elegance would allow them to achieve the same productivity on a cheaper system.
You haven't provided ANY compelling reason why the end user will benefit, be more productive, and happier with BeOS.
You ignoring my statements is not the same as my not having made them.
In any case, here is an example of the difference efficiency can make in my direct experience. Yes, I am sure about the comparison.
On a 68040 cpu at 25 MHz with I think about 8 MB of RAM (let's call that 486 DX 33 performance), except for jpeg decoding (pure computation) my Amiga web browsed faster than a Pentium II 300 with 128 MB of RAM running Windows 95. Both at 800x600 16 bit graphics. Yes, the Win 95 machine was defragmented, and yes this was on a wide variety of web pages.
With such a gross disparity in underlying architecture, what does that tell you about relative efficiency? Furthermore, haven't CPU and RAM requirements for acceptable performance of each successive Windows OS gone up significantly?
I propose to you that using a 1 GHz + CPU may hide such inefficiency, but does not mean it is not there.
All you can talk about is abstract concepts like SMP, messaging passing, threading, etc. All irrelevant to the end user.
If abstract concepts about the OS architecture aren't relevant to the end user, why isn't everyone using Windows 95? It doesn't look much different than Win 2k for example. You view the evolution of Windows only in relation to itself, and of course the lack of competition does not matter there.
You may as well be talking about what kind of timing belt my car uses. I don't care. I just want to drive it.
Yeah, I'm sure you don't notice "abstract" things like fuel efficiency, acceleration, and handling, and no consumer does.
Let me tackle the next section in another post.