What cpu wouldnt limit a 9800xt?


I have a 9800xt and a 2.26ghz p4 on a dell mobo thats not oc-able

What kinda cpu/mobo would give teh card a bit more headroom? I dont plan to buy a Fx-53 or anything, just something that will help out my card a bit.
youl need a 3.2 cpu to get the most out of the 9800 xt. youl also need a new mobo because thje one you have wont be able to run the 3.2
and probably a new power supply and case, as dell makes proprietary crap... err.. stuff.. ;)

That's a very strange question to ask, because it depends entirely on the game you play. Far Cry and Doom 3 loads the CPU much much harder than Quake 2 or Half-Life does for example.