What a cool toy :) Portable PVR

Here is a pic
$550 US for the 20 gig model. You should read the review. It is amazing all the things this can do. TV, PVR, Digital VCR, Photo Album, DictaPhone, MP3 player etc.
nelg said:
$550 US for the 20 gig model. You should read the review. It is amazing all the things this can do. TV, PVR, Digital VCR, Photo Album, DictaPhone, MP3 player etc.

Holy shit ! :oops: :?

I would love for things like this to become so ambiguous that they could be used for other purposes as well. Imagine using this product in conjunction with portable gaming systems, video cameras, digital still cameras, phones, personal organizers, etc. It would be cool to be able to attach a lense module to take pictures or video while utilizing the units screen and storage. As it is now a gadget freak may very well have 6+ LCD screens on various devices. I would think that a device like this would alleviate a lot of redundancy.
That is expensive, but most of the production costs go into HD+display ... I still say Microsoft were moronic to not put optional game support in their portable media player standard. If for the 550$ you got mobile gaming "for free" too it would be a more attractive proposition.
Here's a couple other ones that are pretty interesting:
This one should be available within weeks.

Also, the previous incarnations of that Archos player aren't too terrible, either. The AV300 series has an optional digital camera/camcorder option which is pretty cool. The AV100 series, while it has a smaller screen and less battery life, is relatively cheap, at around 250 for the 20gb version and 290 for the 40gb version. This one also has a video-camera accessory, although it isn't nearly as good as the AV300 version.

And another neat one:

And finally, the Samsung PMC: