wglShareLists - how to share resources between ogl contexts


Could anyone tell me how to share resources between contexts in opengl (especially in case of pbuffers)? Basing on wgl documentation wglShareLists enables only sharing of diplay lists. I tried to share textures with it, but it didn't work (maybe i did something wrong...). How can i share textures, vertex/fragment programs and vertex buffer objects?
Thank's for help, and greets to all 3d people.
wglShareLists shares not only display lists but also textures, VBOs and other heavy weight objects. If it didn't work it was probably because you have some kind of problem with your render states in the different contexts (very common problem).
Yeah, I think the conclusion with wglShareLists has been that it shares all server objects.

Which is not to say that it makes programming the driver any fun at all :)

Pbuffers exist at the WGL (or other window interface), not the GL, which might complicate things. I don't know if they are shared or not.

If you share the lists make sure all your windows are created
and all hrc's for each individual hdc are created as well.
All hrc have to be empty at the time of sharing.
(no glGenTexture or glGenList call before sharing).
Re: wglShareList

suiram said:
If you share the lists make sure all your windows are created
and all hrc's for each individual hdc are created as well.
All hrc have to be empty at the time of sharing.
(no glGenTexture or glGenList call before sharing).

I'm back. I've seen 'humus' site. It looks outstanding .
You can check mine too.