Well, this is a surprising turn of events. o.O

"It was a tough choice, but we finally decided that even if someone has pirated copy of Windows, it is more important to keep him safe than it is to be concerned about the revenue issue," he added.
:oops: :D :LOL: :LOL:
"It was a tough choice, but we finally decided that even if someone has pirated copy of Windows, it is more important to keep him safe than it is to be concerned about the revenue issue," he added. "Having these unsecured users means bigger worm and virus outbreaks - which also impacts the Internet and consequently, our legitimate users as well."

Wooooooooah Bill Gates is " human " !!!! :oops: 8)

I just thought of something...

What if SP2 re-checks authorization, and instead of denying install, reports to MS information like IP, ISP, and the like if it's not a valid key? Hmmm...

Any conspiracy theorists want to make a bet? 8)
Eronarn said:
I just thought of something...

What if SP2 re-checks authorization, and instead of denying install, reports to MS information like IP, ISP, and the like if it's not a valid key? Hmmm...

Any conspiracy theorists want to make a bet? 8)
You silly conspiracy theorist you. You think it won't be disassembled and checked for things that phone home within a day?

Plus, it's kinda stupid to prosecute those people. Makes the RIAA look sane.
It seems like you can't always trust Microsoft, though:

Recent press reports indicating Windows XP Service Pack 2 will install on pirated or illegal copies of Windows XP are not entirely true," said a Microsoft spokesperson. "Instead, prior to installing, SP2 will check the OS' product ID [PID] against a list of known pirated PIDs. If a PID is found to be invalid, SP2 will not install." This behavior is essentially similar to that of Windows XP SP1.
- http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1590320,00.asp?kc=EWRSS03119TX1K0000594
On one hand, I respect Microsoft's perogative to not support users of software pirated from them.
However, a hijacked windows system is a hijacked windows system regardless of the legitimacy of the license, so in the end I think everyone loses with MS not patching all systems.