Weird IE download behavior...

Guden Oden

Senior Member
Why the heck is IE downloading files first into the cache and then copying them to the destination folder? If both happen to be on the same drive it means an awful amount of head thrashing (especially on large files and/or if other disk activity is taking place), and if they're on the same partition it means twice the diskspace consumed for that partition. Very bad.

Can this stupidity be avoided somehow? Guess I could install a download accelerator of some sort, but every time I try one I get annoyed. They're either riddled with ads or won't remember my default download location or require an insane amount of extra clicks to actually get the download started, and so on. Maybe all of the above even.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks! :) :)

Opera is clever with file downloads - as soon as you click a file it starts downloading, even before you have browsed to a location to save it. On fairly small files it's often downloaded before you even click save! It also has an in-built transfer manager, which keeps all downloads in one place. Firefox has something similair, too.

Basically, IE is extremely dated and lacks a lot of basic features that more modern browsers have. I doubt there is any workaround for the behaviour you mention.
Aah. Ok, a new browser. No, I can't be arsed to actually DL and install an entirely new browser. IE works well enough for me (even with its quirky download behavior).

Anyone can recommend a nice, free DL manager then? One that isn't f*****g adware. :)
Diplo said:
Opera is clever with file downloads - as soon as you click a file it starts downloading, even before you have browsed to a location to save it. On fairly small files it's often downloaded before you even click save! It also has an in-built transfer manager, which keeps all downloads in one place.
firefox does the same thing with downloads.
Nathan said:

What's so shocking about that? It works, it renders html and shit, it has bookmarks, and the google toolbar is neato too (1857 popups blocked in this windows install and another 400 or so with my previous). Also, I don't have to keep tabs of an extra program to update with security fixes (if applicable) and new versions... I'm getting lazy in my old age.

It's just the file download that is a bit primitive IMO, otherwise IE is just fine.
I can't live without Opera. Mouse gestures, tabbed pages, pop up blocker, annoying ad in the top right corner (I really have to get around to paying for it), it's got it all. Of course I have to keep IE handy for the odd page that doesn't display properly.

I think the reason I hate IE so much now, is that I always try to do mouse gestures when using it, which it studiously ignores. It just feels so clunky compared to Opera. I might get around to trying Firefox at some point, if it's as good as Thunderbird, then I'd be pretty happy.
Guden Oden said:
No, I can't be arsed to actually DL and install an entirely new browser.
Opera is a 3.4MB download and installs in around 15 seconds. FireFox is a bit bigger, bit still smaller than your average IE service pack. Both offer far more features than IE along with better security. Your choice, but you don't know what you are missing. This is not just anti-Microsoft bluster, either - the sad fact is that IE is woefully lacking in features. Yes, it works, but it works badly IMO.
Just tried out Opera for a while, it didn't impress me. Switching to firefox now...
If only IE had tabbed windows...
I used MyIE but the IE engine stalls the entire browser too often for my taste, even if you can use tabbing&gestures with the IE engine I dont see much need to use it anymore except for the occasional incompatible website ... I switched to firefox (with tabbrowser extensions, the standard tab behaviour annoys me).
I think the reason I hate IE so much now, is that I always try to do mouse gestures when using it, which it studiously ignores.
lol, i know the feeling. i've been using opera for years now and it's tough living without gestures and rolls, muck less tabs. still, i have one reason to use ie. doesn't work on any other browser i've seen.