video card problem please help


well i been using my ASUS geforce FX 5800 128mb for 1year and 2months roughly and untill recently im hearing a loud noise coming from it when i boot up the pc. the noise persists for about 2min and goes away.
it's winter in melbourne and the temperature in the morning is quite low, do u think its related? and if not is this a sign of video card aging or anything? heres my rig

ATX 350w psu
p4 2.66ghz
asus p4pe mobo
80g hdd
2* 512mb ddr333

and if it turns out to get a new card which one is best suited for me system?
Maybe the fan is dirty.
Or maybe a soldering point got bad. Look for a soldering point which looks dull I think.
Or maybe a electrolyte capacitor got bad. Look for a "blown up" capacitor.
Most likely the fan is dieing. I've had this problem with many video cards. When the PC boots, the fan makes noise, and then it goes away after a couple of minutes. I'd suggect replacing the GPU fan (you can check by stopping the GPU fan with a pencil or something for about a second once the PC boots. If the sound goes away, then that's your problem).