Unscheduled maintenance - Wednesday 19th August 2015 @ 20.55


Graphics @ AMD
In preparation for the fairly major forum software upgrade coming next week (if testing goes well), I needed to upgrade something else ahead of time, which meant taking the forums offline for a couple of minutes. Rather than wait for the weekend, I was in the mood to do it just now :runaway:
Actually, now that I think about it, it's unlikely that we'll move to XF 1.5.0 next week, but it's still a planned upgrade as soon as it's feasible. More on that when it's actually ready.
Awe, we're already upgraded to XF 1.5 at wtf, but then we weren't running addons such as thread tagging since its included natively in XF.
Thread tagging and support for UI.X are what'll cause the most delays in moving here. Need to figure out if there are XenTag->XF 1.5 native importers.