Unreal 3 Engine and Anti-Aliasing

I'll take a look at the slides and stop looking for the pdf then, cheers. :LOL:

Well given i wrote one of the articles quoted, i can try and give a laymans version...

The idea of deferred rendering (of all kinds) its too do some operations late compared to conventional renderers. By doing it 'late' i.e. after depth hidden surface removal (i.e. in screen space), you do those deferred calculations only once per pixel instead of (with a conventional renderer) once per z-buffer pass (think worse case where you render back to front a hundred object, you have to do these calculations a hundred times with only the first front most one actually being visible, the other 99 are wasted).

Thats it in a nutshell.

So for example deferred lighting, store enough info into some big render targets so you can run the lighting calculations once per pixel.

Thanks, that helps a lot. I had in mind something quite the opposite.
Search for this file: pritchard_matt.pdf. It`s a quite good presentation of deffered lighting and shadowing, where it`s useful and where it isn`t.It`s not very new(around 2004) but it`s very informative and educational.

Also this(if it`s still around):http://www.beyond3d.com/articles/deflight
Thanks for the b3d link, good read. Though one small bug-fix, even if it is 4 (!) years late. On page 8 about depth of field:
  for(i=0;i < NUM_OF_TAPS;i++)
    float tapUV = uv + tapOffset[ i ] * maxCoC;
    float4 tapColour = Lit[ tapUV ];
    float tapDepth = Gbuffer.Pos[ tapUV ].z;
    float tapContrib = (tapDepth > depth) ? 1.0f :
    ComputeBlur(tapDepth, focalDist, focalRange);
    colourSum += tapContrib; // should be [b]tapColour[/b]
    totalContrib += tapContrib;
You realise you may just have contributed to finishing Heavenly Sword, no?It was this lone bug that prevented the game from oozing greatness from PS3s all over the planet...Dean will thank you. Hail thee saviour!!!:))

Didn`t notice that when I read the article, good call.