This is driving me crazy!!


hi all,

I have a new system which i built myself from parts. The problem is, ever since I built it, whenever the CPU usage is under load, i hear this constant "chirping" noise coming from the computer.

I thought it was the CPU fan, but its not. Its coming from somewhere I cant figure out which!!!

The wierd thing is, if I right click on the task bar while the CPU is under load, the "Chirping" goes away :oops: :oops: :oops:

If the CPU is idle, there is no "chirping".

If the CPU load goes up and down, the chirping too goes "up" and "Down".

So the bottom of the line is, where is this f***en chirping noise coming from!! :devilish: :devilish: :devilish:
Well you shouldn't have your case double as a bird cage .

Anyway do you have a heat sensing fan anywhere in your case ?
before i had it on the case, i had set it up on my desk *without* the case, and it still chirped.

No, i disconnected the normal case fan and the cpu fan, and it still chirps!
Bahadir said:
before i had it on the case, i had set it up on my desk *without* the case, and it still chirped.

No, i disconnected the normal case fan and the cpu fan, and it still chirps!
could just be the noise your hardrive makes under heavy acess or your cpu under heavy acess
jvd said:
Bahadir said:
before i had it on the case, i had set it up on my desk *without* the case, and it still chirped.

No, i disconnected the normal case fan and the cpu fan, and it still chirps!
could just be the noise your hardrive makes under heavy acess or your cpu under heavy acess

nop, cant be the hard drive. If i run a 3d app in a window, it makes this noise (since the cpu is under load).

its like the sparrows are in my computer case!!
also, if i scroll up and down this page with my wheel mouse, it makes a very faint chirping noise as well. As soon as i stop moving it, the chirping stops as well.
Is it coming from inside the case, or from your speakers? If it's coming from inside the case, does the MB have some sort of speaker built in, or are you using the case speaker?
its coming from inside the case. I even heard this noise, before i installed it into the case, i thought it was the CPU fan back then but it wasnt.

I no, i dont have speakers connected to the computer, nor does the mobo has one built in. Only the case has one, but its not that.
Jeez...I'd go crazy too! At this point, I can only recommend the pull one piece at a time thing. ....... hopefully you have access to some other parts.
it still happens with only bare components installed!

Like only ps, mobo, mem, hd, and the video card!!

ahhh!! its chirping but i cant find the source :devilish:
Might be the power supply. Since it's probably a switched mode supply, changing the load may introduce audible harmonics <shrug>
Had a similar issue with an athlon and a very cheap power supply some time ago - basically, the PSU made a buzzing sound whenever the processor was busy working. Somewhat useful as an indicator of processor activity, but a bit ominous (although the PSU never actually failed on me).
Simon F said:
Might be the power supply. Since it's probably a switched mode supply, changing the load may introduce audible harmonics <shrug>

Now, why didnt I think of that! :oops:
Good point! Even though its new, its cheap. So, prolly i should swap with if another ps and see if the noise goes away!
arjan de lumens said:
Had a similar issue with an athlon and a very cheap power supply some time ago - basically, the PSU made a buzzing sound whenever the processor was busy working. Somewhat useful as an indicator of processor activity, but a bit ominous (although the PSU never actually failed on me).
Yes, it only happens when the cpu load goes up. Maybe it is the ps. I dont think its to do with any components on the montherboard since they are solid state devices and there is certainly no speaker on board!
I'll take busted motherboard for five hundred, Alex.

I had this exact problem with two MSI K7N2-Delta boards. The problem was faulty component in the power regulation circutry. I would have thought it was a leaking cap, but i didn't see any and the sound seemed to come from this black box-thingy that was vibrating. Sounded like a swarm of grashoppers chirping iside my case. Insanely annoying.
Zaphod said:
I'll take busted motherboard for five hundred, Alex.

I had this exact problem with two MSI K7N2-Delta boards. The problem was faulty component in the power regulation circutry. I would have thought it was a leaking cap, but i didn't see any and the sound seemed to come from this black box-thingy that was vibrating. Sounded like a swarm of grashoppers chirping iside my case. Insanely annoying.
So, your saying it could be the motherboard? I hope not! I dont want to go through the lengthy process of waiting for an exchange mobo when its practically brand new! Mine is a Gigabyte 8I-848P.

You know it could be the mobo, since when i put my ear next to the PS, i cant tell whether its coming from there or not.

Oh, if it is defintely the mobo, do I have the right to exchange it even though it still works?