this damned GAF thread is going to be the death of me

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it's not that i don't agree with the premise, because i do more than anything - it's the instant backlash it received coupled with brainless comments like this

tastes vary and it's impossible and unfair to expect one individual to enjoy two games in the same way, but the comment i linked seems so far removed from what is the heart of the zelda series and action adventure games in general that i cannot reconcile it with any rational perspective. is it possible to have a rational discussion of this topic? as a huge zelda fan myself, i cannot understand large sections of the fanbase. i suppose, as someone mentioned in one of my early embarrassing threads here, it's a good thing i don't have a gaf account
this thread is bordering on "i'm just SO STEAMED" hissy overreaction, but oh well. pour drano in my eyes and light my shirt on fire, cause i'm never going back
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