Third person shooters


Watching videos of the games recently, control & gears of war etc.
I notice when the person shoots the camera zooms into the player and views from over the shoulder, eg from 10 meter distance to maybe 2 meters.
What was the first game to do this?
I know gears of war didn’t used to, evidence, see my post here from over a decade ago about this. I wasn’t too sure what they would do.
Does this viewpoint change happen instantly where the player presses shoot? Ain’t that a bit disconcerting?
It would be nice if someone could link to a demo of a game on steam etc that does this, so I can see for myself.

FWIW I’m working on a third person shooter, and are curious, demo should be out in a couple of weeks

Ta zed
Hmm. Now that you mentioned it... Yep.

Long ago the camera was pretty static. When did they starts zooming like that...

Max Payne?