The last thing Microsoft wants is for the PS3 to fail...that's a nightmare scenario.

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B3D Shockwave Rider
If the pulse of the Playsation 3 flatlines, Microsoft will go to defcon 2.

There is one foe that has grown exponetially stronger since Microsoft launched the X-Box brand, Apple, the arch nemesis to all MS based software platforms. It's no coincidence that when Bill Gates focused on conquering the console frontier, the iPod was able to gain a strong foothold in the consumer electronic market: this eventually lead to explosive sales that are overflowing the coffers in Cupertino.

iPod born October 2001

X-Box born November 2001

While the X-Box brand mounted billions of dollars in losses, the iPod brand has resulted blank ink on Apples balance sheet. Over 1/3 of all revenue for Apple comes from iPod products. Sony was hit from two directions at the same time. The X-Box brand against the Playstation brand, and the iPod brand versus the Walkman brand.


As of today Apple has no debt and 15.4 billion dollars in cash, that's triple of the 4.4 billion they had in 2002. The company consumes 25% of the worlds NAND flash memory supply, thanks to the iPod. The growth is showing no signs of slowing down. They're projecting the sale of 10 million iPhones for the 2008 calendar year, it previously took Apple two years to sell 1.4 million iPods from it's launch date.

Apple is an adept software company unlike Sony. This results in a clear and present danger to the Microsoft empire. At least far more than Sony ever was.

While the X-Box brand is strong, and Microsoft is certainly pleased about the success of the XB360, but back when Bill Gates was planning to enter the console market, they never anticipated the Sony self-inflicted grievous wounds. While the drama unfolded on the console stage, Apple has done no wrong. It's almost like Steve Jobs was aided by a clairivoyant.
Just for the record:
$8.279 billion -> $19.315 billion
is not an exponential gain, so your claim of Apple having grown "exponentially stronger" does not pan out, at least not in terms of sales. Apple certainly has a stronger brand presence now than in 2004 (thanks mostly to the various "i" devices), but my point remains.

Anyway, what does your post have to do with its title? I see no correlation. Apple does not make any gaming devices, nor games.
Sorry, but I don't see what Apple releasing iPod has to do with MS wanting PS3 to remain in the game. If you're trying to draw a correlation between Sony in the console market keeping Apple at bay elsewhere, it's not working. If PS3 fails and MS takes over the console market, how is that a bad thing for MS? Again, what has Apple and iTunes got to do with anything here?

Thread locked. If you want to present an argument for an Apple related console thread, or to move this to a different board, PM me.
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