The blue screen of blue


Man, sometimes I really suck at this pc stuff. After putting on a bigger hsf on my radeon 9800 pro, reinstalling windows, updating all my drivers and everything, I got this blue screen after trying to load far cry and 3dmark 01.
On far Cry it loaded till the end, and then my screen turned blue. No text. Same with 3dmark 01, but the first test ran fine. Far Cry had 2x temporal aa, and 3dmark was set to 6x fsaa.
:? :(
what should I be checking?
Are you sure every fan is connected properly? Overheating has a tendancy of causing unexplained errors. Try running your pc with the case apart, and have a fan running near it.

How also defraging your hard drive, and scanning it for errors.

not sure if anyof the above will actually help. hope you solve your problem.

I did a weird thing actually....I knew that thesis chipsets always have a crappy chipset heatsink, so i took it off, too k the sticky tape off, and reinstalled it w/ some real thermal paste. It works now.
None of my saved games work for far cry, but that's because of the 1.2 patch. Shit. At least they'll fix it tho.
Don't know what's up with 3dmark, but it sorks fine now.
I'll run that mem test too.