Sub $100 Dual Layer DVD burners available NOW!

Still haven't seen a single one in the shops yet... let alone cheap ones. Also, i guess new blank dual layer DVDs will start being distributed too...
am I the only one who would like to see dual sided dual layer blank DVD's?

if those would come to market, then I really could start thinking moving to DVD-R or DVD+R (depending which those blanks would be, of course...)

Dual Sided CD-R's would be nice too.
Yeah they're in limited supplies as of right now, but should be at most major computer shops by the end of the month. I was really surprised the NEC models are barely more expensive than their regular single layer models. I had expected the first ones to be at least $150 so this was a big suprise. I heard that the reason was because it's essentially an existing drive with new firmware for DL burning. Unfortunately the DL media from what I've heard are kinda expensive at $10 per disc. I guess making copies of DVD movies isn't too economical. :eek:

am I the only one who would like to see dual sided dual layer blank DVD's?

I would, unfortunately they would be way too expensive to be practical. I don't think dual sided CD-Rs would work though since it's manufactured differently from DVDs.
PC-Engine said:
I don't think dual sided CD-Rs would work...

in fact, this kind of format has existed, though it life was rather short. Sony with Texas Instruments made a CD-Recodable control chip that they called HD-CD. The idea was writing on the both sides of the disc simultaneusly. (with two heads.) I even saw the drive and blank discs in the sales few years back and in that point it wasn't even expensive. few weeks ago I tried to find HD-CD blanks for testing if they could be used in normal drive (just switch the side manually, like in good old single side Commodore floppy drives. ;)), but so far I haven't found empty discs anymore. Most likely the standard never got support from anyone else than Sony and died pretty quickly. Their mistake was making it imcompatible with nowadays cd-roms. (which was obiously because they wrote data on both sides at the same time.)

too bad that no one really does 2 sided CD-R's... they would be awesome for backing up your documents folder. (it easily gets bigger than 700MB, but not that big which would make you use of empty DVD-/+R for it.

but oh wel... most likely HD-CD drives and discs will become pretty rare colletables for thos who collect rare and old hardware. :)