


I'm considering the new 7.1 soundcard. :D

Are there any problems connecting Creative's Xi-Fi to a 7.1 speaker system? I'm talking about the issue I had with my Audigy2 ZS: I couldn't get the software bass redirection to work. I HAD to redirect it in hardware using my receiver. Well my next system won't have this function anymore so it'd be nice if the sub-output actually put something out.

My Terratec 5.1 Fun does this without a problem now.

However I'm interested in 7.1 and adjustable speaker delay. Are there any other cards that can do this?
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Sounds like something was messed up with your Audigy2 ZS, but it isn't an issue with those cards normally and I don't see any reason to assume the Xi-Fi's would have anything less than all their outputs working fine.
Well I think many people use sub-satellite speaker systems of some sort. Those have the bass redirect built in (and my next system won't). In Creative's forum there is a long thread about this issue and in the end Creative admitted there that the Audigys have never been meant to be used with usual Hi-Fi surround equipment.

edit: There is no problem with multichannel audio but with any other audio where you want the bass of ALL speakers to be redirected to the sub (games). :)
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Ah, I see now. My Audigy2zs works great for my home theater but then I just have 5.1 and most modren games support that directly which works just fine though the analog outs. Then for 2 chanel sound I use the digital out and let my reciver do the upmixing. But yeah, Creative's CMSS stuff just doesn't send anything to my sub and I'm not sure how it would do upmixing 5.1 either if it does at all. Hopefully they did fix the problem on with Xi-Fi cards, but knowing Creative I wouldn't put any money on it.
Ok it looks like I'll get the Xi-Fi.
The Audigy 2 does redirect bass to the sub, but the signal is much lower than the other channels and must be amplified at least 10 dB more. Creative speaker systems take this into account but the X-Fi has an optional 15 dB boost for non-Creative speaker systems.
Vadi said:

I'm considering the new 7.1 soundcard. :D

Are there any problems connecting Creative's Xi-Fi to a 7.1 speaker system? I'm talking about the issue I had with my Audigy2 ZS: I couldn't get the software bass redirection to work. I HAD to redirect it in hardware using my receiver. Well my next system won't have this function anymore so it'd be nice if the sub-output actually put something out.

My Terratec 5.1 Fun does this without a problem now.

However I'm interested in 7.1 and adjustable speaker delay. Are there any other cards that can do this?

I believe you would be better off letting your receiver handle the bass management versus the sound card since the receiver already has the speaker setup and knows where the cross over points are for the system. Most mid range to high end receivers have better management anyways because they have setup routines that properly match speaker output based upon the room it is in (YAPO for Yamaha)
Thanks YeuEmMaiMai. I want to use the PC as preamp though, and use a microphone (40$ with amp) and free software to analyze the frequency and equalize each speaker using four of these. :D
Amps will be four JBSystems AX 400
. :devilish:
Btw. speakers will be 7 of these (190$ each).
And a 15" subwoofer.
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Vadi said:
Ok it looks like I'll get the Xi-Fi.
Huh, I tried playing 2 chanel audio with cratives CMSS options to expand it and cranked it really loud to test and I'm almost positive my sub wasn't getting anything other than a bit of vibration from all the bass from my other speakers.

Oh, and curious speakers you picked out, I have never seen ones that fire up like that before.
The speakers provide a diffuse 360 degree projection of the sound. It's said to be ideal for multichannel. Luckily a friend showed them to me, otherwise I'd buy usual speakers. :D

I'm very interested in ion tweeters too. Imagine such sound candles! Even women will love it! ;D
Vadi said:
The speakers provide a diffuse 360 degree projection of the sound. It's said to be ideal for multichannel. Luckily a friend showed them to me, otherwise I'd buy usual speakers.
Do you plan to use the Fontana for front L/R & C too?
It's tough to beat a full 3-way for relaxed output. I'm a fan of the Vox series, but am disappointed to see only the 250s are now available.

As an aside, have a look at Sander Sassen's MTM Seas project. It's actually very competent, incorporating excellent drivers & a compensated series x-over topology. His Peerless PR sub is also worth looking at. I'm tempted to officially convey him redeemed status on B3D... :smile:

Edit: Redemption was offered too hastily. I should have read the piece instead of just looking at the schematics & finished product...
However for this loudspeaker I want to use as few drivers as possible, simply because a three-way loudspeaker will result in obvious phase shifting when the signal is separated between the drivers. With five or more loudspeakers in a surround configuration, at various distances from the listener, this will results in some frequencies being cancelled out, and others amplified, more so than with a two-way loudspeaker.
The first bit's fine, but I think he should be more concerned about MTM lobing esp off axis before coming up with spurious sophistry... There's no need for phase shift at all through the x-over of a multidriver system if designed accordingly. The last sentence is complete hogwash as rationalization for a 2-way - D'Appolito at that. The same can be said against any multichannel system, including single driver fullrange designs...
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A fullrange speaker would be nice. I'm considering the Vifa 10 BG 120-06 (two of their 26cm Vifa 26 WA 550/4 is also great) now. :) I guess I can minimize phase shifts that way.


Hm the Vifa fullrarnge seem a little underpowered maybee the Cantare Coherence 12 is better.
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X-over phase issues are the least of the problems, otherwise multi-driver systems would've died out years ago. IMHO, all single driver fullrange systems (except line source array), are underpowered. Esp Lowther, Fostex, etc... :) They can sound pretty good in a quarter wave or horn design, though. Unless you're committed to the idea, I'd go for a more mainstream multi-driver option. There are so many compromises with each design anyway, it becomes a philosophical decision...

Have a look at these multidriver Delta 3.5s, the best that BOSEndorfer has to offer, or my favourite MTMs for inspiration.
I'll use Vifa 10 BGS 119/8 then. I want the directness of fullrange speakers. I'll accept their 30W rating :) .

When I have the money, I'll get D'Appolit speakers like the Vox. :D