Some tidbits about CELL (not what you think)

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Hoopy Frood
I mean it DOES have tidbits about CELL, but I mainly found this interesting because of all the B3D folk responding inside with other minor people like Linus Torvalds. ;)

Posted mainly for benefit of anyone not paying attention to ALL Slashdot links in the past few days. Hehe...

Many pardons if this was already posted in the huge and mess ISSCC thread or something. It's easy to miss some things. I just figured a few other people might be amused, too. ;)
If it has, feel free to scrub this. I just figured there were others like myself who would be amused just by it alone who haven't been wanting to wade through that other mess of a thread. o_O I know there were other mentions of OTHER posts from that site, but I don't recall having seen this one.
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