Siren Shibito clips

When is it getting released in US/EU? Seriously after watching Ring, Ring-o, Dark water etc SH series doesn't scare me a bit.
Only announced for EU. Date unknown. And SH... has become a bit of a "monster basher", so fright level is reduced.

Siren uses a rather sneaky element besides the obvious visual and aureal fright technique. If a game becomes less frightening because the player can beat up the monsters, what about if the player can't...? There will be several scenarios where the character is unarmed or non-combative. A classic horror scenario - there are "things" after them, and they can't fight back, and can only run, and hide, and run...
Dang it, what's with the Euro preference for cool survival horror games all of a sudden? You guys scare easier or something? ;)