Signs Programming May Be Ruining Your Love Life


10. If you spend your time at the bar breaking cute girls into polygons in your head instead of undressing them with your eyes.
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1. If the best compliment you can think of for a girl you meet on a beach is to ask permission to snap a picture of her skin to use as a texture map later.
This one is pretty good too:
6. If you count the number of dates you’ve had from zero.
Let's see...
11. Didn't email her the code, but did explain its functioning to her.
10. Why go to the bar when I can have real polygons at home?
9. Similar things have happened.
8. Is that so wrong when the entire relationship is virtual as well?
7. I think it just shows her importance to me if she can make my speed dial but I have to manually input pizza parlors.
6. i-1, baby
5. I actually prefer probabilistic determinate scenarios so the outcome changes each time within parameters.
4. Thank god, I've only asked her what distro her ex boyfriend used.
3. I have more computers RIGHT NOW than my entire sum of girlfriends. And I think I've hacked apart more random computerized devices than I've known females...
2. Puhlease, I wouldn't let her touch my keyboard.
1. Personally, I'd rather convert her body to voxels.