Reputation 2005-2007, RIP


Mostly Harmless
With the assistance of Ratchet, the vB God, we've turned off the Reputation system.

We are currently recalculating usergroups. This might impact some folks in an upwards fashion (i.e. their group may increase).

After much discussion, we just came to the conclusion internally that the downsides of the system were not counter weighted with as many upsides as when it was initially instituted. The moderation staff is much larger now than it was then, and we have the infractions system as well.

The old usergroups and permissions/rights are still there, and will still proceed. Just without reputation checks being involved.

We may, later on, work out some way to still high-light the presence and contributions of some posters who are not members of the staff but are worth paying attention to their posts based on their experience and/or past contributions.

If anyone sees what they think is an untowards consequence from having done this, feel free to give a holler on this thread.
How about different-coloured user names for the special individuals?
black = forum admins associated with B3D directly
red = developers/hardcore coders
blue = regular folk
pink = K.I.L.E.R.

Something like that. :)
This has totally ruined my scientific investigation into how quickly red squares result in bans. The world-changing sociological impacts of my research are cast to the ashes. How am I to explain this to my investors?!
This has totally ruined my scientific investigation into how quickly red squares result in bans. The world-changing sociological impacts of my research are cast to the ashes. How am I to explain this to my investors?!

Sorry about that.

Would you like me to turn your post count back to 9,999 for you to make up for it? So you can do something more emotionally satisfying with #10,000?
Good news. B3D just got even better. Now what about post counts? :p
Yeah, what about them? :) What are you thinking of, something like "60% GPUs, 25% consoles, 10% PC, 5% general" next to the user's name? I'm not completely sure that's technically doable or even a good idea, but I'm trying to figure out what you want here.

Surely not removing it completely, otherwise we'd be obliged to give out your private address to diggy to save our own lives!

This is the only forum I've been on so far which had the reputation system, and I liked it. And just when reputation so recently had been made non-anonymous to senior members, which I'd wanted for a long time.

Ah well. I guess I will live. But the forums will definitely lose some color ...
And just when reputation so recently had been made non-anonymous to senior members, which I'd wanted for a long time.

Err. . .what? It's been that way for Senior Members since the beginning of tieing it to the usergroup system. There was a short period of just playing around when it was anonymous for everyone, but that was just a few weeks, I think. It's been nearly two years of non-anonymous for senior members.
Ohh the rep system is gone. Well I have to say it is good since I had no problem getting one red neg rep yet my latest 3 +rep gave nothing and where grey so I could get - but not +! :D
not removing [postcounts] completely, otherwise we'd be obliged to give out your private address to diggy to save our own lives!
Thank you! With reputation gone, what other metric are us notoriously insecure posters going to use to measure our self worth and guide us in whose opinions on the board to follow blindly now? The merit of each individual post in its context? Surely not... :smile:
Damn, it disappeared without there being a "Post Boobies for Rep" thread first...
Gah, you should have announced that this was coming so I could have gone out in the neg rep blaze of glory.
Finally. Thank you for removing the crap.

Now just pull the general forum back to the top and I'm happy :smile:
And the world rejoices.

It was abused by certain senior members, so I guess now if they have a problem with a post they will have to raise it in public so everyone can see what dicks they are rather than just giving negative rep with some cockomamy "reason"
Yeah, what about them? :) What are you thinking of, something like "60% GPUs, 25% consoles, 10% PC, 5% general" next to the user's name? I'm not completely sure that's technically doable or even a good idea, but I'm trying to figure out what you want here.
Actually, I think something like that would be nice to have in the user profile.
Good news. B3D just got even better. Now what about post counts? :p
Yea, do away with post counts too. I never understood why there's a counter for it. They've actually been a source of shame for me on other forums. I'm not actually proud of being an anti-social dork that has racked up thousands of posts on forums.
That's what I meant. I was just wanting to entertain the idea of not having any.

Do postcounts have their uses? I suppose if someone has 10,000 posts and haven't been banned yet they must be alright.. :smile:
Err. . .what? It's been that way for Senior Members since the beginning of tieing it to the usergroup system. There was a short period of just playing around when it was anonymous for everyone, but that was just a few weeks, I think. It's been nearly two years of non-anonymous for senior members.

Then I can only come to the conclusion that I recently became a Senior Member ... :LOL: