Ram Question


Greetingz everyone.. :D
As a new proud member of Beyond3D I have a question.

I decided to o/c my cpu (2.8c) since I'm sort of cpu limited with my 6800GT. I have 1gb of Kingston pc3200 cl3. I know it's crap for o/c purposes (poor timings) so in order to reach at some decent levels with my o/c, I'm thinking about running at 5:4
My question is if running my mem at slower speeds to achieve my o/c, is the way to go.
I mean what's better overall for gaining extra performance?
Lower o/c levels and run mem at 1:1?
Higher o/c levels and mem at 5:4?

As I said I want to get some more juice from my GT in the best way, so what is the way to go? Thanks

Rest of my system if it helps:
MSI neo fis2r (865pe)
MSI 6800GT
As a general rule of thumb it's typically not worth it to drop increase the memory timings in exchange for clock speed.

It will of course depend on what games you are planning on playing, and whether they are computation or memory bound. Most games (actually most programs) are far and away memory bound so increasing your memory timings in exchange for clock speed may actually decrease performance. Of course your mileage may vary.

My advise would be to simply see how high your memory will go, and probably be happy with that. Because unless your CPU goes WAY higher, it will probably be the best all around performance you'll get.
Thankz man ;)

So I'm thinking this poor ram can do 210-215 at 1:1 from other ppl experiences.
With that comb of mobo/ram at 5:4/2.8c/good cooler, also some told me that generally I could reach 240fsb @ stock volt(~1.52v)
So with some volt bump if I'm lucky I could reach (~245 or 250 FSB = 3.4 and higher)

How about these numbers?

Just do an experiment. Overclock your system as fast as it will go stable at 1:1 and 5:4. Run a set of benchmarks on the programs that you wish to use on your computher and compare the difference. Pick the higher one. =)
Ok and one nOOb question
If I find the max settings for each case and I decide what I want, should I have to go step by step again increasing FSB or maybe do it in lesser steps since now I know approximately what's the max fsb?

Running Prime so many hrs is a pain in the a$$ :D

Forgive an o/c nOOb :?:
Are you asking how you most easily find the maximum safe level for overclocking? If you are, there's no really easy way. Best you can do is run a large variety of software for an extended period and see if something crashes or misbehaves, and then back down a little.

Not all programs will crash at a particular OC level, some are more sensitive on a particular system than others.

Also, you may want to run memtest86 for a couple full runs as well, to make sure your memory doesn't cause errors at the new higher speed.