questions about 3dmark scores


I've probably posted this in the wrong forum but I was just wondering something with my current system.

Barton 2500 @2.3 1.77vcore
Cosrair XMS 1gig @ 6-3-3-2
Radeon 9700 pro @ 338/330
Epox 8rda+ rev1.1

my scores in 3dmark seemed a bit low to me, scoring almost 15k in 2001se and about 4200 in 03. Are these scores horribly bad? or about right for my system? This was on a fresh install of xp pro btw.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Just under 15k seems a tiny bit low... but I'd only really expect you to score just over 15k :) (16k tops, IMHO). Try increasing your FSB if you're really worried, but to be honest, I think that score's OK. The Radeon 9700 Pro is a neat piece of kit, but it IS over two years old :).

And yeah, this should probably be in Hardware Talk :p.
Score is ok, my A64@3200 and GFFX5900U both overclocked (the GFFX by a much bigger margin though), 1GB Ram and SATA 160GB HD touches 21k sometimes in 3DMark2001 and has touched 7k once in 3DMark2003, otherwise it's around 20k and 6500 usually...
But my GFFX "cheats" apparently...

I'm sure that when i'm not looking, everything on screen is single textured, point-sampled, no post-processing effects. And my 5900 turns on the pixel shading, shadows and everything else only when i'm looking at the monitor... :| Told her not to do it, but she just won't listen...

(Ok sorry, just got into the office, just had a McDonald's McSomething and McOrangeJuice and i'm trying to do some work, but the sugars are just running through my McSystem, brain is on overload) .... U're lovin'it!!...