Pings to router times out! WTF????

Guden Oden

Senior Member
I bought a DLink DI-604 router a couple weeks ago, everything was just dandy for a while. If I surfed to address, I could access the web-based GUI just fine. A while later though I got no response on that address, even though the router continues to function quite normally. I still have internet access (my DSL modem is the only other active device connected so far to the router).

DLink support says since the router keeps routing it means there's nothing wrong with the hardware, must be something blocking on my side. But WHAT?

I tried pinging the router from a cmd window just now, all tries times out every time.

If you are using a proxy server in your browser (like a webcache) you need to make sure this address is excluded in your browser's settings.

I have also seen this behaviour once or twice on different modems/routers, and a reboot of the modem fixes it.