PCIe motherboards when???


Does anyone have any information as to when the new PCIe motherboards will be available??

Also does anyone know if there will be any ATX form factor boards or only BTX.

Thanks! :)
I have really good information, later than you expect :) That is how SATA was, and how SATA cd/dvd drives, prescott, opteron, and everything else is ah well.
Sxotty said:
I have really good information, later than you expect :) That is how SATA was, and how SATA cd/dvd drives, prescott, opteron, and everything else is ah well.
Sigh, I dont think they realize how quickly many would buy this new stuff. Im waiting for pcie before i upgrade my cpu, ram, optical drives (using sata), graphics cards, et al.

epicstruggle said:
Sigh, I dont think they realize how quickly many would buy this new stuff. Im waiting for pcie before i upgrade my cpu, ram, optical drives (using sata), graphics cards, et al.

Yes, me too. I can't see the point in spending to upgrade to a next gen AGP graphics card that is going to be choked by the CPU, and I can't see the point in upgrading to a new CPU/motherboard/memory that isn't going to be able to use any graphics card past NV40/R420.

It seems likely that Nvidia will be making an AMD Nforce 3/4 250 Pro chipset for PCIe, and ATI will have an AMD RSxxx chipset too, but they are going to have to launch them soon if they expect people to buy their PCIe graphics cards in June/July.
If the performance gain is something similar like the 4X and 8X AGP .. PCIe is kinda a waste of money again :(

rainz said:
If the performance gain is something similar like the 4X and 8X AGP .. PCIe is kinda a waste of money again :(


Performance should be a lot higher, plus there are the interesting applications possible when data can go both back and forth to the GPU at high speed. More importantly, it gives you the ability to upgrade graphics cards like R500/NV50 in 12-24 months time. These cards will most likely be PCIe only going by various leaked roadmaps..

Basically if you want to upgrade to NV40/R420 in June/July, and you need a new CPU/Motherboard to get the most use out of these monsters, you'd be foolish not to wait a little while longer and make the jump to PCIe for the extra futureproofing.
I have an Athlon XP 3000 and a R9800xt right now, so buying Nv40 or R420 looks to be a bit of a waste to me since my current CPU will hold it back. I'm not going to upgrade my proc/mobo to anything but PCIe at this point, so it looks like I'm going to have to skip this latest video card refresh and then buy a new video card and a processor/mobo once PCIe becomes available.

I usually like to upgrade my computer one piece at a time but it looks like PCIe will prevent that.

I wonder how a dual AGP/PCIe mobo will work out.

Via is working on the K8T890 which will apparently be a dual solution mobo.


Moose said:
I have an Athlon XP 3000 and a R9800xt right now, so buying Nv40 or R420 looks to be a bit of a waste to me since my current CPU will hold it back. I'm not going to upgrade my proc/mobo to anything but PCIe at this point, so it looks like I'm going to have to skip this latest video card refresh and then buy a new video card and a processor/mobo once PCIe becomes available.

I usually like to upgrade my computer one piece at a time but it looks like PCIe will prevent that.

I wonder how a dual AGP/PCIe mobo will work out.

Via is working on the K8T890 which will apparently be a dual solution mobo.



you get like twice FPS in Far Cry with the new gen card.

rainz said:
you get like twice FPS in Far Cry with the new gen card.


I don't really care about that so much. I can already easily get over 40FPS in Farcry with near max settings. Is 80FPS better?? Sure, but not so much so that I will spend $500 for. Especially since there is a good chance that $500 is wasted as soon as I switch to PCIe since that board won't work in the new system.

Now If I can get a AGP/PCIE mobo then I can do that upgrade now, and then buy the PCIE versions of the latest video cards 6 months from now.

At least the $500 is not wasted then.

Or I could just not buy a video card this round and then buy both the card and a mobo/proc upgrade at the end of the year.

I actually think that will be a better option since any dual solution mobo is bound to have limitations and or compatibility problems.

I guess I'll just have to wait for PCIe mobo's to start arriving to make a decision.
But what we realy want is a dual PCI-16x slot board. And i hope the workstaiton boards come first. After E3 we will know .
Actually the more I look at the Via AGP/PCIE board the more I think it is the way I will go for me.

I can upgrade the mobo and proc and use my 9800XT until the next gen PCIE video cards are out and then upgrade the video card.

Then after PCIE settles down a bit I can get a fullblown PCIE board.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Basically if you want to upgrade to NV40/R420 in June/July, and you need a new CPU/Motherboard to get the most use out of these monsters, you'd be foolish not to wait a little while longer and make the jump to PCIe for the extra futureproofing.
Experience tells me that nothing ever really is futureproof. There will always be that next big thing on the horizon everybody tells you to wait for. Then it gets delayed, lacks support early on, isn't as good as expected and everybody writes "why we don't see the big performance increase yet" articles. Plus the new tech is almost always vastly overprized, arrives late and in small quantities in most parts of the world outside north america and has it's fair share of compatibility, performance and stability problems in the beginning. Most importantly of all, performance isn't really gonna be any greater than the old and prooven tech for exactly that amount of time, before you decide its time to build an entirely new PC anyway. Because that is what it really always boils down to for most PC users. Sure, talking about the ability to upgrade is one thing, but when it comes to doing it, most people are even too lazy to switch out their graphic card, let alone CPU or other components... ;)