Parents home & old computers. The horror

For the past 2 to 3 weeks I had exams at University and having done pretty decent on all of them except for my oral exams as far as my feeling goes I thought i'd have a nice weekend with little on my mind so I could finally do some gaming again.

However, last friday was my Mom's birthday so I had to come home. Especially since I hardly go home anyway as it takes me more than 4 hours to get there and that basically means you waste a whole weekend travelling only to be bored to death when you come home.

But the biggest problem is that all the electronics they have are old, outdated and work like shit. Knowing that I would be bored to death again as they only have my old computer and my little brothers x360 with games I dont like (halo and gta4) I decided I'd put some anime movies on a memory stick to atleast have something to do.

Knowing from the last time that the x360 is a useless piece of junk when it comes to playing media I already converted the movies to .avi. Know, please bear in mind that all these files play without a problem on my mobile phone. Yes, a phone is more capable at playing media than a x360.

Anyway about 1 hour ago I decided to watch my neighbour totoro. Ofcourse, I have to use Tversity as the x360 doesnt seem to support the codec. So I have to use my parents pc to do the real time converting. Ofcourse, this is not a problem at all on any half decent piece of hardware, even my parents pc should be decent enough if they didnt treat the machine like garbage.

The pc in question is my old amd 2500+ (which always used to be capable of running as a 3200+). I bought it myself in I think 2004 because I was sick of my parents claiming our pentium 2 350Mhz was still more than sufficient. Anyway, A couple of years ago I gave them the pc because they (and my brothers) were still using the p2.

But its so rotten and again they are claiming the system is still fine! No its not. I wasted 45 minutes trying to get the damn movie to play but its just downright impossible because its old and wants to die. It wont run as a 3200+ anymore, it will just crash after 2 minutes. At 2500+ its not fast enough to do the transcoding and to make matters worse it just random crashes services.

And that wouldnt be even that bad if its only when transcoding, but the system is like that always.

Its the same with the screen. Untill 8 months ago or so they were still using the monitor they originally bought with the pentium2 system. But ofcourse after that many years the monitor died. As always my mom said she didnt have any mony right away and they bought a second hand CRT again for 5 years just untill the end of the month. Well, thats 8 months ago now and right now im still watching at that eye destroying crapbox.

I dont get it, a lcd screen costs like what? 120 euro's? That seems as small investment given that it will prevent you from fucking up your eyesight. But that doesnt seem to be the case.

It annoys me to death because everytime I have to bother with this when I get home. Is it so hard to just buy something that works? its not like a pc is expensive these days and given they will keep it for atleast 5 years something like a 500 euro system sounds like great bang for your euro.

I'm angry and I want to go home. Having stuff around that just works.

The horror
You should buy them a new pc, but it seems like they are happy with what they have. I can understand the frustration though. When i used to go visit my wife in south africa I had barely any internet access so I felt like I was in the stone age. Glad I dont have that problem anymore. Just enjoy spending time with your family. :)
My dad use to upgrade comp pretty often IBM XT -> 286 Cloned -> 386 -> 486 -> Pentium -> Pentium 2 -> Pentium 3.

That's where he stops. That Pentium 3 lasted more than ten years. It's still working. I had to give him more memory and changed the power supply a few years back but everything else is still working. He only do web browsing + email and word processing/spread sheet. Toward the end of last year he complained to me that the comp is getting slow. I thought finally. Then I checked the comp he was browsing some news site with lots of flash based ads, I counted there were 20 flash on that page alone. The CPU was at 100% and everything was pausing left and right. I installed flash blocker, script blocker and ad blocker and everything was good again.

I think its going to last another 5 years. I got some spare parts like a couple Pentium 3s, several mobo, and several video cards ready to revive that PC back to life if it dies.
My dad use to upgrade comp pretty often IBM XT -> 286 Cloned -> 386 -> 486 -> Pentium -> Pentium 2 -> Pentium 3.

That's where he stops. That Pentium 3 lasted more than ten years. It's still working. I had to give him more memory and changed the power supply a few years back but everything else is still working. He only do web browsing + email and word processing/spread sheet. Toward the end of last year he complained to me that the comp is getting slow. I thought finally. Then I checked the comp he was browsing some news site with lots of flash based ads, I counted there were 20 flash on that page alone. The CPU was at 100% and everything was pausing left and right. I installed flash blocker, script blocker and ad blocker and everything was good again.

I think its going to last another 5 years. I got some spare parts like a couple Pentium 3s, several mobo, and several video cards ready to revive that PC back to life if it dies.
Thats the spirit. Not everyone needs the latest/greatest processor. The only thing I would recommend upgrading on an old PC is the monitor. Yes a small monitor is fine, but it can ruin your eyesight. So the investment on a bigger screen is worth it, IMO.
my mum and dad had a black and white tv up untill 2000 when he turned 70 and qualified for a free tv license, so we could get a colour tv
I refuse to do any more work on the system. I've done that more than a dozen times already, even mounted a new cpu fan+block and new cooling paste. Windows already got reinstalled a million times too. But its pointless and a waste of my time as they just dont care. It wont take them more than a week to screw windows again, cleaning is a waste of time as they broken the door on the case so there is a big gaping hole in the front and my mom doesnt bother to vacum behind the case so it wont take long before the whole cpu fan including the block is full of dust again. But even besides that, if you got a pc running for almost 24/7 for like 5 years its going to show its age.

But im at my own home again so with a bit of luck it will be another 1.5 to 2 months before I go to my family again.
If they are screwing windows up and they are only doing basic tasks
remove the hdd and run the pc from a linux live dvd give them a usb pen drive to save stuff on
If they are screwing windows up and they are only doing basic tasks
remove the hdd and run the pc from a linux live dvd give them a usb pen drive to save stuff on

Yeah but too bad they wont accept that as my little brother wants to play games, my other brother wants to use office because thats the only thing he understands and my parents finally can do basic stuff but any change wont work for them.

Personally I don't understand your antipathy for your family, but whatever.

Its not that I have anything against my family, not at all. It just pisses me off that they screw all the machines they have but keep a straight face all the time claiming it works fine when they use it while its obvious thats just not the case. I had to check the train table online and because the Dutch railroads decided to make sunday the day to rebuild the network over the whole country I wanted to make a print of the trains I had to take. Normally this would be a 5 second job. But not in this case. The printer was standing on the ground, where normally your feat are because my brother busted the pc furniture, I had to find myself a new ink thingy (how do you call that in english?), after that I had to hunt for the USB cable which was not connected and ended up being stuck behind a painting sitting on the floor next to the computer where its hard to acces so I had to remove half of the house just to get there. Thats what pisses me off. But that is what you get when you try to get everything as cheap as possible and excpect it to work for 10 years without any problems without bothering to take proper care for it.

Have you seen his family :D

A arian, a hobbit and the parents of the cartoon Shin Chan ;)

I think they are pretty normal :)
Yeah but too bad they wont accept that as my little brother wants to play games, my other brother wants to use office because thats the only thing he understands and my parents finally can do basic stuff but any change wont work for them.

Then maybe you can use the USB stick and LiveCD yourself when you get there, maybe Ubuntu 8.10 or something. :D I got an 8.04 LiveCD with a mag and have had some pretty good use from it ... It's ironical that I can boot my wife's Vista machine with it, access all the files on NTFS without a hitch, and use the scanner she has that has no Vista drivers to scan something and store it in her My Documents and everything, but besides ironical it's pretty awesome and useful :D.