Page file usage reduction


Retarded moron
How the heck do I reduce the usage of it?

Windows uses about 200MB of RAM but 125MB PF. :?

I've tried quite a few tweaks, can't do it.

I have XP Home btw.
I don't think there is a way, it's not like in 98se where you can just do a "conservative swapfile usage" and watch the sucker stop swapping.

I think XP needs a bit of a swapfile, I don't think eliminating it will help performance any. (I know that seems paradoxal, but I think it's true)
Tweak XP has the ability to raise the amount of memory XP uses for its system cache which should reduce the amount of PF it uses.
Actually, you can load the XP kernel into RAM permanently by altering the following registry key :

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

(Set the dword from 0 to 1 as above).
Diplo said:
Actually, you can load the XP kernel into RAM permanently by altering the following registry key :

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

(Set the dword from 0 to 1 as above).
Really! :oops:

Thanks Diplo, I finally got a Gig of memory back in me PC and I'd hoped to find a way to see if I could do that and it helped but hadn't been able to. :)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

(Set the dword from 0 to 1 as above)

You can do this also in the properties of system. Go to the advanced tab then system performance (? I have the german version) then advanced tab. In the middle there is memory usage which you can switch between system chache and programs (setting to system cache equals to setting the dword to 1).

It is not recommdened to do so but you can set the size of the page file to zero.
Vadi said:
You can do this also in the properties of system. Go to the advanced tab then system performance (? I have the german version) then advanced tab. In the middle there is memory usage which you can switch between system chache and programs (setting to system cache equals to setting the dword to 1).
So with the "1" setting my windows will run better and my games will suffer? :|

It is not recommdened to do so but you can set the size of the page file to zero.
I've heard that a lot, could you please explain why? It doesn't make sense to me. :?
ok, the page file is nessesary.
Programs reserve the larger amount of memory than they currently need quite often, ebcause they might need it. Without a page file, this reserves large portions of your ram, "wasting" it. With a page file, the bits that are only reserved and are not acutally in use end up in the swap file. You suffer no slow down becuase of this - it is beneficial, because it allows more of your ram to be used for other purposes, like file cache, etc.

Also, the ‘PF Usage’ (Page File in Use) measurement in Task Manager | Performance for ‘Page File in Use’ include those potential uses by pages that have not been taken up

Some progams also "require" that a page file exists, so you shouldnt ever set it to zero size, just a very minimal one. (otherwise you will get "out of virtual memory errors, even when there is plenty of "real" memory)

honestly, you guys are worrying about nothing.