Online TrID file identifier


TrID is now available also as a webtool.

Online TrID file identifier

It's an online version of my standalone TrID file identifier, an utility designed to identify binary files.
You have simply to choose what file to analyze, and click on the Upload button.
Then TrID will list a serie of match, showing relevant URL with additional info for every listed filetype (if available). The extensions showed are also clickable, and point to the relevant section of the FILExt website.

Here's a sample output for an OpenOffice document:

Or for a La file:

The analysys's results are exactly the same as the standalone version of TrID, as both are based on the same TrIDEngine library.

Here are some links:

Online TrID file identifier

TrID standalone
TrID.Net (with GUI)
List of knowed filetypes (over 1.170)

Hope this will be helpful for someone!

Thanks - could be very useful! I take it this actually attempts to read the file's header rather than just relying on the Windows style of reading the extension?

Perhaps an idea for the online version would be to allow people to suggest what they think a file is if it's not found? That way it could be trained to recognise new file structures.
Diplo said:
Thanks - could be very useful! I take it this actually attempts to read the file's header rather than just relying on the Windows style of reading the extension?
Yes, exactly. TrID checks for knowed patterns in the header and also for recurring strings/tokens on the whole file.
Perhaps an idea for the online version would be to allow people to suggest what they think a file is if it's not found? That way it could be trained to recognise new file structures.
Yeah, this is something I'm considering. I plan to allow the option to leave the file in the server along some comments/hints, for further offline research.

Many new defs for other filetypes added: now the complete list count over 1.350 formats.
Here's another sample for an MDI file:

You can always check the logs with the def's data base changes here:
Mark0's forum - Definitions DB change log

I can see a pretty good use for this when you recover deleted files. Some of them lose their name so you don't know what file it actually is.

Also, you probably already know this, file on linux does pretty much the same thing but got less filetypes and is less sophisticated.
TrID online was moved a bit. The new URL is:

Now the recognized file types number is over 1.700.
I remind that it's free, and that's is possibile to contribute / create new definitions for new, unsupported file types, and/or optimize the ones already existing in a semi-automatic way, trough the TrIDScan utility. Just point it against a bunch of file of certain type, and it will try to find all the relevant patterns. Then, if you send me the new def, that will be added to the public DB, and to the online listing (to give the proper credit) here: Defs list

Thanks Mark0! This have been helpful to me a couple of times.

BTW: Just for kicks I tried it on a ZIP file embedded in a GIF, and it failed to see the ZIP part. Might be an interresting special case to add.
Uhm... I think that at the present time TrID isn't suited to recognize properly (that is, over the "primary" file type) file of this kind. That require some kind of "logic" to apply when analyzing the file, for example to skip past the stated lenght of the primary chunk of data to find what's after it.
That's one of the various things I plan to add in a next version of TrID and the TrIDEngine.
