NVIDIA, ATI GDC Papers online


NVidia posted their GDC papers on their developer web site:


GDC 2002 Presentations
We've just concluded a great GDC and it was fantastic to see all of our partners and developers at the booth and in the sessions. We've compiled all of our GDC content here:

DirectX8 Performance
Extending Textures Beyond Simple Pixels
Real-Time Hatching
High Dynamic Range
Occlusion (HP and NV Extensions)
OpenGL Multisample
OpenGL Render-to-Texture
Balancing the Rendering Pipeline
Hardware-Accelerated Procedural Texture Animation
Projective Shadows
Render-To-Texture Caching
Texture Space On Real Models
Vertex Program 1.1 and Texture Shader 3
What Comes After 4?

(See the third message, below, for ATI GDC papers.)
Oh. Oops! Back when Beyond3d's servers got so slow, I saved a direct link to the forums, so I never go to the front page any more.

Anyway, I also found these ATI GDC presentations:


Designing a Game's Shader Library for Current & Next Generation Hardware - GDC 2002
Advanced Pixel Shading Techniques - GDC 2002
Rendering Outdoor Light Scattering in Real Time - GDC 2002