Number of posts per page


Harmlessly Evil
With 20 p/p in fluid, light discussions, you quickly go trough a page and have to keep clicking next every 30 seconds. In slow, quote-heavy debate threads whenever a message is quoted/referenced, it quite often needed to go back a page or two in search of it. Is there any way to allow users adjust the number of messages they can view per page?

I'm afraid there's not a user selectable limit - in truth, nor would we want there to be.

I had to take the posts per page down from 25 to 20 because the size of the SQL database and the amount of queries it was doing per page was increasing the CPU load on the server. At the moment we are the only ones on here, but that will soon change as we start hosting other sites so if I changed it it would only be a temporary thing.
Out of curiosity, could you eventually freeze topics (say after 6 months) so that they could be 'flattened' and stored in a less computationally expensive form?
No easily - at least, so its integrated with the forum. Probably the only less computationally intensive format is actually HTML itself, but that would be a nightmare for linking to etc.