My new mobo/cpu isn't any faster?? (1.5-2.2Ghz)


Before, I had a k7s5a mobo with a palomino xp1700.
I just got a pc chips m848alu mobo with a xp2600 processor, and am running it at 2.2Ghz cpu (352fsb) / 266mhz ddr ram. I have a radeon 98pro 128mb. I know I need to get faster ram, but at this speed, my gaming is still the same speed (Call of Duty, Far Cry), and 3d mark gets 500 higher points at default settings. Is there something wrong? I've re-installed all the drivers, and didn't have to re-install xp.
I must be able to get a little better scores than this, right? Do I have to re-install xp?
Thanks for all your guys' knowledge.
Are you running the FSB and memory clock in sync. If you have PC2100 at 176Mhz that's pretty impressive. If you're running a-sync that might be the problem since athlon's don't do to well running different fsb to the mem-clock.
Also what is your 3dmark score like? And if you're running those games with very high IQ settings maybe you are very graphics card limited even with the 2600+.
Ah...ok, well, I use 4xaa/af always, so that might be it, but I clocked it down from 2.2 to 1.67, and I tested Halo, and It runs much smoother (than my old cpu setup). My 3d mark 01 score was 11,800 something.
And yeah I was running memory and cpu at diff speeds. After I get back from Thailand, I'm getting faster RAM.
OK, so here's my question until I get my ram....would running a-sync (cpu 176, ram 133) be slower than clocking my cpu lower (133/133) ??
The549 said:
OK, so here's my question until I get my ram....would running a-sync (cpu 176, ram 133) be slower than clocking my cpu lower (133/133) ??

Probably, I tried 200/166 on my pc and it was slower than 166..well either slower, or just as slow as. Nah, I think it was slower.

BTW, I had a situation where I upgraded and had no performance difference....
Asus A7V333 motherboard, went from a 2000 to a 2600, no difference in performance.
Got an nforce2, huge difference in performance, especially with the low latency settings.
Got a mobile athlon and pc2700 ram, also a rather large difference in performance.(at 166/166) Even better was overclocking it though(right now at 175/175), woohoo, I can play ut2004 onslaught at 45-60fps most of the time!(2.45ghz)